Star Trek

Chapter 118 Wind and Clouds 8

In this way, Liu Zheng finally used the five-thing Mark four heavy tanks to successfully block the enemy's attack like a tide, thus creating good conditions for his atomic Annie to launch a tactical nuclear missile.

At this time, Liu Zheng and the atomic Annie have begun to be ready to launch. The nuclear missile launcher behind the atomic Annie chariot had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, within a few miles, the dust burst and burst. For a moment, the whole world was full of yellow dust and the strong wind roared. Then, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the ground and went straight to the sky...

Finally, with the earth-shaking explosion suddenly sounded, and as the mushroom cloud rising into the sky, Liu Zheng saw that in the vast area within a few hundred meters with that bomb point as the center, all the enemy's combat power, whether it was those infantry or those chariots. The material resources were all shaken by the huge nuclear explosion vibration wave and became the rolling yellow dust. Moreover, for a moment, the wind roared and almost swept the sky.

In this way, Liu Zheng finally managed to suppress this large-scale attack by the enemy with the help of the power of the nuclear bomb. After that, Liu Zhi slightly rectified his defense base, and then gathered some combat strength again and rushed straight to the main factory built by the enemy under his nose.

As a result, it is very simple. Because there is no defense of the enemy's combat power there, five or six howitzers attacked together. With the sound of fire, huge shells shot out, crossed the sky and hit the target fiercely. As a result, in less than ten seconds, the enemy's city center, near Liu Zheng's base, huge shells shot out, crossed the sky and hit the target fiercely. As a result, in less than ten seconds, the enemy's city center, located near Liu Zheng's base, has always been regarded by Liu Zheng as a big trouble in the city center, so it was bombarded by a few shots.

Liu Zheng had not had time to build his own city center there. At this time, on the battlefield below, his eight "Mark IV Heavy Attack Tanks" had attacked the boundary river. On the other side of the boundary river is the hinterland of the enemy - one of its core urban centers. Naturally, there are also troops gathered there, and there are heavy soldiers guarding there.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng will naturally not be too reckless. Although its own "Mark IV heavy attack tank" does have quite good attack ability, and its own defense ability is also very strong, after all, it is not a real long-range attack force. In this way, once attacked by a large number of real long-range strike forces by the enemy, it is very likely that you will not be able to stand it, which will suffer a great loss.

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng still decided to send five more of his real long-range attack forces: heavy howitzers. At this time, the five heavy howitzer tanks had come behind their own "Mark IV heavy attack tanks".

At this time, his remaining six "Mark IV Heavy Attack Tanks" are attacking some enemy tanks on the other side with all their strength!

Most of the combat power of the enemy on the other side belongs to the infantry fighting power, and it is the kind of infantry fighting power called "machine gun soldiers". This kind of infantry combat strength called "machine gun" soldier, two people in groups, one heavy machine gun, one on the bullet, one fire, tacit and skillful cooperation.

"Dada Da Da ~ ~ ~ Da Da Da Da ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" The three of them are in a group, some squatting in trees, some hiding in puddles, fire more, and madly fire at Liu Zheng's "Mark 4 heavy attack tanks". Behind them is the enemy's main battle tank, the heavy field gun. As the barrel stretched and shrank, a huge cannonball roared out, crossed a perfect arc, and hit the target fiercely. Therefore, for a while, Liu Zheng's "Mark 4 heavy attack tanks" that rushed to the front were also knocked out two of a sudden.

However, the "Mark IV heavy attack tank" is Liu Zheng's main battle tank after all, which has very good combat performance. In the face of the enemy's infantry fighting power and the attacks of some main field guns, the subsequent "Mark 4 heavy attack tanks" still adhered to their own attack style, fully towards the enemy's combat power distributed in all corners, whether it is infantry combat power or tank troops, Strike and go.

And at this time, because Liu Zheng has successfully developed and improved the performance of this "Mark 4 heavy attack tank", its attack ability has been greatly improved. With the sound of "banging", the large-caliber gun barrels on the left and right sides suddenly became golden. At the same time, because the two barrels fired at the same time and the firing power was quite strong, the whole chariot suddenly retreated, and then, it was attacked by Liu Zheng's "Mark IV heavy attack". Immediately, a flame burst into the sky, and then a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and countless wreckage and fragments of the chariot, mixed with the dark red fireworks, scattered and fired into the mid-air...

Before that, Liu Zheng had not seen such a big explosive flame after the shell of his main battle tank, Mark IV heavy attack tank, attacked the target! And now, it's almost a dozen of explosive flames, and the area covered by it is not an ordinary size! Piece by piece. As a result, both the infantry fighting strength of the enemy hiding in the mountains and forests, and the heavy field artillery vehicles, were seriously damaged. Even, the firepower of two Mark IV heavy attack tanks has attacked some important military facilities in the enemy base...

This should also be Liu Zheng, who attacked the enemy's base for the first time! Haha, haha, this is a change in an era! This is a real epoch-making progress!

And just as Liu Zheng's Mark IV heavy attack tanks attacked the enemy target in front of him, the five heavy howitzers sent by Liu Zheng immediately rushed over. Then, the attack on all kinds of enemy targets on the other side also began.

Liu Zheng knows that the attack characteristics of his "heavy howitzer" are also quite clear. First of all, it is a long-range attack force, and its attack distance is naturally much larger than that of its main battle tank Mark IV heavy attack tank. There is no doubt about this. Second, that is, this kind of "heavy howitzer" chariot has quite fierce lethality. The shell was so big that it was heinous. Therefore, once such a shell hits the target, you can also figure out the destructive power caused by thinking about it with your toes.

"Fire! Target: Automatic acquisition, two legs, four wheels, in short, those who fire at us are our targets!" As soon as Liu Zheng's ambiguous order was issued, the attack of the heavy howitzers began. First of all, their thick and short barrels have been slowly pulled up, and then, with the sudden shaking of the gun body, the fire flashed at the muzzle, and the dazzling spray firelight looked very dazzling. Then, a huge shell roared at a speed visible to the naked eye, drawing an arc and broke through the air. Flying, and then hit an enemy's double crossbow gun vehicle fiercely, so "hong ~ ~" was just such a blow. As a result, the target, some of the enemy's machine artillery, just like this, under such a blow, the target was blown up and exploded.

At the same time, other enemy targets with four wheels, those heavy field artillery vehicles, and the originally intact artillery vehicles, also immediately split, and the wreckage and fragments of the chariots rose to the sky one after another, and then fell to the ground.

In this way, for a moment, the whole mountain forest was filled with smoke, ignition was flying, and corpses were everywhere, and fireworks were vast.

Naturally, after Liu Zheng's extremely lethal attack, some of the enemy's military facilities on the other side of the boundary river suffered significant losses. Therefore, for a while, the enemy's attack power gradually decreased. Only a few occasional gunshots sounded intermittently.

At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly thought of a plan: that is, across this boundary river, there is the cover of those "Mark IV heavy attack tanks" in front of him. Of course, there are also the long-range artillery fire of those heavy howitzers. In this way, he can't just use that boundary river as the boundary and use it. Did her atomic Annie launch a tactical nuclear bomb attack on the enemy's base at the edge of the boundary river?

When he thinks of that wide range of lethality, and that kind of combat power within a few hundred meters, all the explosive effect of which will turn into dust, Liu Zheng's heart has begun to tremble involuntarily.

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel extremely happy is that now that she has accumulated rich production and construction funds, Mei Ting was so angry that she produced five atomic Annies at once. Wow, wow, wow, that's what he did! Five atomic Annies! What kind of concept is this? What kind of concept is this? Once five tactical nuclear missiles attack the target at the same time, what kind of attack effect will it be? Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about his rich imagination...

At this time, the five atomic Annies produced by Meiting for Liu Zheng have also come to the front line. At this time, Liu Zheng's "Mark 4 Heavy Attack Tanks" and those heavy howitzer vehicles were still carrying out sparse point attacks towards the target in front of them. In the depths of the mountain forest, from time to time, explosive fires rose to the sky, and there was already a large mountain forest, and the burning fire came...

"Well, almost, almost! Five atomic Annies! Tactical nuclear missile attack, ready to launch!" Liu Zheng bit his lips tightly at this time and looked at the atomic Annie gun trucks without blinking, waiting for the discovery of their tactical nuclear missiles.

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of "atomic Annie" cannot be launched at once when launching that kind of tactical nuclear missile, but needs to wait for a certain amount of time. Sure enough, nine seconds later, Liu Zheng saw that the five "Atom Annie" gun trucks finally began to launch that kind of tactical nuclear missile. The nuclear missile launcher behind the atomic Annie chariot was opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target!

Yes, as the tactical nuclear missiles fell from the sky, the whole earth shook and trembled. Then, the high-intensity light flashed 10,000 times better than the sun, and then only heard a "boom~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, within a few miles, the dust burst and burst. For a moment, the whole world was full of yellow dust and the strong wind roared. Then, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the ground and went straight to the sky...

Because, because it was the explosion of five consecutive tactical nuclear missiles, that scene and that scene can simply be described as "destroying the world". At that moment, the whole thing was white and pale. It seems that there has never been anything in this world, and everything is nothing. It's just the kind of white, terrible nothingness and chaos...

And only after the successive explosions of these tactical nuclear missiles, what made Liu Zheng very happy was that he suddenly connected the enemy's pieces to the occupied area and disconnected them! Yes, this time, the enemy's large base was actually divided into two sections! And some of my own combat power - several Atomic Annie, several "Mark 4 heavy attack tanks" and several heavy grenade vehicles - just crossed between the two areas, like a dead nail, stuck there without moving, so that the two sections of the enemy could not even be connected again. ~~~


The war has entered a white-hot stage. At this stage, Liu Zheng developed a new weapon, that is, an anti-tank helicopter. Although the cost of this kind of anti-tank helicopter is very high, at this stage, Liu Zheng has developed a new weapon, that is, anti-tank helicopter. Although the cost of this kind of anti-tank helicopter is very high, because both sides now lack an air defense force, this is really a quite good combat power for Liu Zheng!

Since a more powerful and unique combat power has been developed, it is naturally impossible to hide it all the time. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and the five "anti-tank helicopters" that had just been developed and produced roared and flew straight from Liu Zheng's base to the front line.

At this time, Liu Zheng's three heavy howitzers were bombing an enemy city center in the Far East. As long as this city center is taken down, it means that Liu Zheng has narrowed the enemy's base again. In this way, once the enemy's city center is killed, the enemy will only have the city center located at its base camp. In this case, if you want to destroy him, you can do it at any time.

However, just as Liu Zheng's three heavy long-range attack forces, heavy howitzers, attacked the enemy's city center, suddenly, behind them, several enemy field guns appeared behind them, firing at their buttocks behind Liu Zheng's heavy howitzers. !