Star Trek

Chapter 119 Wind and Clouds 9

Finally, we won the victory of this base operation. When Liu Zheng spread the news to Yuan Qing, the head of state, the head of state was naturally very happy. Because Yuan Qing, the head of state, their interstellar front has just suffered a failure before, and everyone's morale was originally low. And the news of Liu Zheng's victory this time just gave everyone a good encouragement.

Since then, Liu Zheng has received a new task from the head of state, that is, a richer territory in the southeast of the base he has now occupied. Moreover, it is said that once that piece of land is taken in hand, it will sell better to steal money.

"Brother Zheng, we finally won another game! We finally won another game!" Mei Ting couldn't help but be very happy. She threw herself into Liu Zheng's arms and rarely got out of control. Liu Zheng said to Mei Ting with a smile, "Haha, haha, Mei Ting, in fact, no matter how great the achievements are, they all have an inseparable relationship with you! You know, in terms of base management, I dare to say that among all the star teams, few of them can compete with you!"

"Brother Zheng, your military command is even more exquisite! Imagine that if there is only money and no one who can fight well, it will be useless!" Mei Ting said sincerely.

"Ha ha, ha, okay, okay, we don't have to praise each other anymore. Let's prepare for the next operation! You know, the road ahead is getting more and more difficult!" Liu Zheng couldn't help saying.


After the start of the new operation, Liu Zheng also learned some lessons from the last operation, that is, he must get the technology point as soon as possible, so that he can upgrade his base as soon as possible. In this way, the higher the technology level of his base, he will definitely get More powerful combat forces.

Therefore, it can also be said that if one side can have an advantage in terms of scientific and technological points, then which side will also gain an advantage, and thus will definitely lead the other party's nose.

In the last business battle, although Liu Zheng also realized this, because he was not very proficient in his business, in fact, he did not gain an upper hand in terms of scientific and technological points in actual operation. Therefore, in many times and in many cases, this falls behind the enemy, which also leads to a very passive situation in many times.

"Well, at the beginning, I hired some scholars to enter my city center, so that I can naturally accumulate technology points from the beginning! This is also a first-hand battle!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happy.

Although every time a scholar is hired, it costs a lot of production and construction funds, Liu Zheng also knows that the system has given itself a certain amount of funds and materials since the beginning of the game. Therefore, you might as well use these funds and materials first and hire a few scholars first! In this way, you can also make your technology points continue to increase once and for all. Let's hire a few scholars first! In this way, it can also be done once and for all, so that your scientific and technological points will continue to grow and grow, thus creating good conditions for yourself to take a certain lead in the evolution of science and technology.

Then, Liu Zheng built a market far away from his city center (if he was not afraid of exceeding his control ability, he would have to build farther. Yes, this market is also one of the most important facilities in its own urban centers that can generate production and construction funds. Moreover, the farther away the market is from its own base, the more wealth it will create for its city center.

Looking at the ox cart coming and going between his city center and the market, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling the beauty of a pastoral life. Yes, when can I really live in such a kind of countryside! Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel the beauty of a pastoral life when he got up early and returned late every day. Yes, when can I really live in such a kind of countryside! Every day, I get up early and come back late, drive a ox cart, herd cattle, run my own farm, and then go to the market to exchange some money. The flowers are red and green, the air is fresh, and the scenery is charming. During the day, watch the sunrise and sunset, listen to the morning bells and drums, and at night, look at the veil-like fog, covering your own farm in the poetic moonlight...

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help showing an imperceptible smile on his face. Yes, that kind of life is so beautiful! And isn't your current efforts, to a certain extent, working hard to realize such a lifestyle that you want most? Looking at the ox cart, it is getting up from the distant market towards its own city center. On the ox cart, the hired driver was casually waving the long whip in his hand. Even Liu Zheng had heard the sound of "popping" when the long whip was waved.

At the same time, the strange barracks has also been built. Liu Zheng knew that without the protection of the armed forces, everything would be empty. Yes, no matter how well you build the base, once the enemy's combat power is attacked, there is no way at all. Isn't that useless? Therefore, it is quite important to produce a timely amount of combat power suitable for the size of the base.

Now, although Liu Zheng has built a warehouse, that warehouse is only Liu Zheng's first warehouse, built next to a stone mine. Wow, damn it, how can he use such a warehouse? After all, your own base has just been built, which requires a lot of money and wealth!

It's okay. After all, Liu Zheng has some experience this time. Not far from the city center, a forest mineral is shining with that attractive golden light. Haha, haha, yes, I will go there to build another warehouse! Anyway, you have to build two warehouses!

"Within the jurisdiction of a city center, only one market can be built, but at least multiple warehouses can be built. As long as it is in the resources! Within the jurisdiction of a city center, only one market can be built, but at least multiple warehouses can be built. As long as it's in the resources!" Liu Zheng is still very proficient in this rule.

"Well, next, it seems that you have to build another city center! Only by building more urban centers can we build more markets. At the same time, we can hire more scholars in the city center to accumulate scientific and technological points faster. Liu is calculating.

Liu Zheng next looked for a region on the map that was more suitable for building a second city center by himself. Liu Zheng saw that there was a water in the center of the map, and the area was really not small. And my base is in the south of that water. Now, through reconnaissance, Liu Zheng found that there is really a place on the east side of his first city center where the base can be built. There, the forest resources are very rich and lookyi pian. Moreover, there are also relatively rich ore resources.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng felt very happy. Haha, haha, this is good, this is good! Lao Zima will have a second city center! Lao Zima will have the second city center! In this way, the speed of Laozi's capital accumulation and the speed of Laozi's vegetation accumulation will naturally be greatly improved!

However, for safety reasons, Liu Zheng sent two "Ma Macedonian heavy cavalry" to follow. Once the enemy's combat power comes to make trouble, then your own efforts will be in the ass of the ass! Therefore, it's better to be careful, and it's better to be careful!

The sound of construction sounded one after another. Soon, the base hit the dust, and the frame of a building slowly became a prototype. Then, the face of the building with a certain "prosic" slowly began to become real, and the height continued to rise, and the outline became clearer and clearer. Finally, as the daze of smoke slowly settled down, the building finally took shape: the eaves and buckets looked very imposing.

And at this time, there was a sound of "drip! The sound of the horse's hoof sounded one after another, and at the same time, the sound of "driving" to unload the horse also followed. Then, soon after, two Macedonian heavy cavalry, from the direction of Liu Zheng's base camp, passed through the dense forest and finally came to the newly built city center of Liu Zheng. From the direction of Liu Zheng's base camp, he passed through the dense forest and finally came to the newly built city center of Liu Zheng. With this, the two "Mathonian heavy cavalry" circled around the city center that had just been built, and then went around to a small forest next to it.

"Well, with the protection of these two Macedonian heavy cavalry, there should be no problem in terms of safety in this city center! At the very least, there will be no problem in the near future. Liu Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Now, after some efforts, Liu has successfully built three urban centers, and from the perspective of that territory, the territory he occupied has also occupied a large area on the whole map. Moreover, from the perspective of that territory, some of the territories occupied by themselves have also occupied a large position on the whole map. After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng naturally felt very relieved. Yes, that's it.

And, in general, under Mei Ting's careful planning, Liu Zheng's entire production and construction are still very balanced. On the one hand, it not only ensures the needs of its own base construction, but also produces a certain combat power. Under Mei Ting's careful planning, Liu Zheng's entire production and construction are still very balanced. On the one hand, it not only ensures the needs of building its own base, but also produces a certain combat power, creating good conditions to protect the safety of its own urban center and the construction and production of its own base from enemy attacks.

Of course, the reason why things will be relatively smooth, there is also a very important factor in it, that is, at this time, the enemy has not declared war on them. In this way, both combat forces and non-combat forces can have a "non-interference" attitude, and the two sides also seem to have formed a good tacit understanding. If you are yours and I am mine, no one will pay attention to anyone, and no one will interfere with anyone.

"Well, it's okay now. Otherwise, let's talk about the construction of the base just now, the weight of 'construction' seems to be larger, while the 'military' factor seems to be smaller.

"So, in this case, once the enemy has torn their faces with themselves at this time, then the two sides will definitely not be able to take advantage of it. Wow, damn it! After my strength really grows up, let's see how I deal with you!" Liu Zheng couldn't help biting his teeth and shouting.

The sound of shouting came loudly. Liu Zheng looked at it brilliantly and saw that five or six enemy cavalry were lined up in a patrol formation, haunting the "market" in the city center on the westernmost side of his own. However, it has not hurt Liu Zheng's caravan. Thinking about it, it is also true that since the two sides have not torn their faces, and since the two sides have not declared war, there is naturally no need to use force

"Well, in any case, your next task is to quickly upgrade your base level! The faster the better, the better! The higher the scientific and technological points of your base, the higher the level of your base will naturally be. Then, the higher the level of combat power produced in your base, the higher the scientific and technological points of your base, the higher the level of your base will naturally be. Then, the level of combat power produced in your base, Naturally, the higher the attack, the stronger the attack will be!" Liu Zheng secretly made up his mind.

Therefore, in Liu Zheng's current operation, he will try his best to accumulate that kind of production and construction funds, as well as some material resources. Liu Zheng knows that the only way to speed up the accumulation of that kind of scientific and technological points is to hire more scholars to go to his city center. Liu Zheng knows that the only way to speed up the accumulation of that kind of scientific and technological points is to hire more scholars to go to his city center. Although every scholar hired will spend a considerable amount of money, Liu Zheng can't help but support and look more on this expenditure, although it has a certain degree of risky expenditure, when thinking that once technology takes the lead, it will bring huge profits to himself. It's heavy.


After some painstaking operation, Liu Zheng's base has finally been upgraded to the "modern" level. At this time, the "balanced catapters" just now have also begun to change one after another and suddenly become "howitzers". And those "double crossbow vehicles" have become light combat vehicles. As soon as he saw here, Liu Zheng knew that he could declare war on the enemy now!

"Fight!" Facing this time, there happened to be a team of enemy cavalry patrolling to his main base. In the face of this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he must seize this opportunity. Therefore, under an order, the seven howitzers were divided into two batches, one fired at the enemy cavalry, while the other group opened fire at the "market" that had been built under Liu Zheng's eyes!

With Liu Zheng's order, those very solemn-looking guys looked like several Transformers. The thick and short barrels of the howitzers had been slowly pulled up, and then, with the sudden shaking of the gun body, the fire flashed at the muzzle, and the dazzling spray The firelight looked very dazzling, and then a huge shell roared at a speed visible to the naked eye, crossed an arc, flew through the air, and then hit a double crossbow gun truck of the enemy fiercely, so "hong ~ ~" was just such a blow. As a result, the target, the enemy's pair The crossbow car, just like this, was hit. Under one blow, the target was blown up suddenly. The original intact gun car also immediately broke apart. The wreckage and fragments of some chariots rose to the sky one after another, and then fell to the ground one after another and fell to the ground.