Star Trek

Chapter 120 The World of Scud Missile 1

In this way, with the roar of the huge howitzer shells, the sound of violent explosions was endless. The fighting power of the enemy's cavalry was blown into the sky one after another. For a moment, they broke their limbs and flew one after another. A few cannons were not used at all, and the enemy cavalry troops, which had just looked very majestic, have turned into a pile of guilt in a blink of an eye under the bombardment of the cannons just now.

Naturally, Liu Zheng will naturally be more polite about the market built near Liu Zheng's base. Once again, the sound of "boom" gunfire sounded one after another. In the process of the rain-like shells falling from the air, the target, the enemy's market, has been killed quickly.


At this time, the time has entered October. Suddenly, white snow floated in the sky. The wind roared, and it sounded like a wolf, which was very shocking. With the heavy snow, the ground was covered with thick snow soon after.

At the same time, above the forests, the mountains, and the buildings in Liu Zheng's base, all the combat power is covered with a thick layer of snow.

The seven or eight cavalry who killed the enemy and destroyed the market that had been built on the edge of his base. Then, Liu Zheng had begun to prepare for the general deployment of attack. Yes, since the war has started, it should be considered comprehensively. First of all, the direction of its attack has been set in the East, so that the West will naturally become the focus of its defense. Therefore, Liu Zheng separated two heavy howitzers and three 88mm artillery to defend himself in the center of the westernmost city. After that, all the remaining combat power was gathered in the east to prepare to attack the enemy!

Because there are large mountains and forests on the front, Liu Zheng is worried that the enemy's combat power will attack from there. Naturally, his consideration only needs to be considered in two directions.

Now, Liu Zheng's eastward attack power includes three heavy howitzers, three 88mm artillery, and seven riflemen and three atomic Annie. It should be said that this combat power is still very strong. In particular, from the perspective of the standard configuration of the enemy's combat effectiveness, the enemy's scientific and technological level is still in the colonial era at most, but its own combat effectiveness has entered the modern level. It is still very powerful. In particular, from the perspective of the standard configuration of the enemy's combat effectiveness, the enemy's scientific and technological level is still in the colonial era at most, but its own combat effectiveness has entered the modern level.

Don't underestimate the difference of this era, which is a qualitative and leap of difference! That's really how it is. Among other things, atomic Annie under the level of modern technology, a tactical nuclear missile will hit dozens or even hundreds of enemy infantry, cavalry, and even dozens of chariots will be blown up. Can that lethality be comparable to the power of some rock bombs?

In order not to expose his strength, Liu Zheng decided to send the seven riflemen to grope forward in the direction of the enemy base. Yes, after all, the sound of that kind of infantry force is relatively small when it is advanced. In this way, the seven riflemen stepped on the thick snow and made a "squeaky" sound under their feet. Behind it is a long, messy footprints.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger. The wind roared and blew the snowflakes horizontally. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his seven riflemen had already changed into winter clothes and looked very bloated. Naturally, it was very inconvenient to act. However, they still walked tenaciously on the snow.

"Dada Da~~~~" With a sound of "Dada", Liu Zheng suddenly saw an enemy camel cavalry coming from the front, and the running camel stepped up the snow on the ground very high.

"Kle him!" With Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng's seven riflemen had all fallen on the white snow, and then a famous rifleman successively buckled the board machine - "Joo-joo-joo~~~"

In this way, with the sound of fire, the flying lines of bullets passed through the snowy day and hit the target directly. Suddenly~~ and as the bullets hit the target, the enemy's camel soldier quickly sprayed the blood of the big beach after the bullet hit the body, and then "pull" and loaded down from the camel. The enemy camel soldier soon spewed out the blood of the big beach after the bullet hit the body, and then "pushed" and loaded down from the camel.

"Wow, he can't help fighting, he can't help fighting!" Liu Zheng made a cut, and then continued to lead the seven riflemen to step on the thick snow and move forward. The wind seems to be blowing harder. In the mountain forest next to it, there seemed to be some car bucket roaring, which sounded frightening.

However, soon after, Liu Zheng's seven riflemen were shelled by a fortress there after attacking a city center of the enemy. Although the lethality of the shelling was not very strong, its range was indeed far. As a result, although Liu Zheng tried his best to dodge, he still did not dodge in the end. In the end, only one rifleman was forced to be transferred to the forest by Liu Zheng.

"It seems that I really have to get my heavy weapons! He's okay, okay, that's it. I'll let you taste the power of my heavy weapons!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the three heavy howitzers, three 88mm artillery, and the three atomic Annes rumbled in, rolling the snow all over the land and attacking the enemy's city center.

Soon after, some of Liu Zheng's heavy firepower rushed to the center of the enemy's city. According to Liu Zheng's deployment, that is, the enemy's fortress must be killed first. Yes, you must kill the enemy's fortress first. After all, that fortress can launch long-range attack power, even if it is not very lethal, but after all, it will cause certain losses to its own combat power.

And as for what combat power he used to attack the enemy's fortress, Liu Zheng also had an idea at this time, that is: heavy howitzer! Yes, it's better to use that kind of "heavy howitzer". Whether it is range or explosive power, it can be said to be almost unparalleled. Therefore, it is naturally the best to attack with that kind of "heavy howitzer".

"Aim at the target and get ready to fire!" With Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng's four heavy howitzers had already turned their muzzles to the enemy's fortress hundreds of meters ahead. Then, the thick and short barrels of the five howitzers had been slowly pulled up. Then, with the sudden shaking of the gun body, the fire flashed at the muzzle, and the dazzling spray firelight looked very dazzling. Then, a huge shell, roared at a speed visible to the naked eye, crossed an arc. He flew through the air, and then hit an enemy's double crossbow gun truck fiercely, so "hong~~" was just such a blow. As a result, the target, the enemy's fortress, just like this, under such a blow, the target was blown up and exploded suddenly. The original intact masonry structure, Then it immediately split, and the wreckage and debris of those buildings rose to the sky one after another, and then fell to the ground.

"tu~~tu~~tu~~~" As the howitzers hit the target, with the sound of explosions sounded one after another, and as the dazzling explosion fire light rose to the sky, countless explosions and debris rose to the sky and fell scattered. Finally, after the deafening explosion suddenly sounded, with the dazzling explosion firelight rising to the sky, countless explosion debris and debris rose to the sky and scattered and fell. Finally, with the deafening explosion, the target, the enemy's fortress, finally died.

"Go on!" With Liu Zheng's hysterical shout, then, some of Liu Zheng's heavy combat strength, and then, after defeating the enemy's city center, which became an isolated building because of the lack of guard power, then moved forward and continued to move forward.

However, when Liu Zheng's group of combat power advanced to a certain area, he found that the enemy's defense was actually quite strong in front of him. Therefore, naturally, you can't make a light breakthrough. Liu Zheng knew that under the immature conditions, he could not be brave. Otherwise, if you go deep alone, it will be easy to be annihilated by the enemy. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng consciously retreated his troops and confronted the enemy at the border with the enemy's territory. At the same time, he also thought about the next battle plan.

Liu Zheng is determined, on the one hand, to send another force east from his base and attack the enemy base in that counterclockwise direction. In addition, the combat strength of my own air force has now been basically formed. Therefore, it is entirely possible to consider sending a country's strategic bomber to fly to the enemy's base to spy on a situation. At the same time, it can also be directed to the enemy's base at the right time, so it is entirely possible to consider sending a country's strategic bomber to fly to the enemy's base to spy on a situation. At the same time, two heavy bombs can also be dropped on the enemy's base at the right time. Even if the enemy's strategy cannot be destroyed, it can cause some losses to the enemy. Why not?


Liu Zheng feels very depressed now. Wow, damn it! I don't know when he started to find that the enemy, this pair of hands, turned out to be two! Wow, since when did you get two opponents at once?

According to Liu Zheng's experience, he should not be able to attack these two opponents alone from the military. Yes, you must not just think about force. More should be considered the role of politics and diplomacy. In particular, the two opponents do not belong to the same camp, which naturally provides Liu Zheng with more opportunities. Yes, there is a big opportunity!

"In this case, I will give him a technique of alienation first! Let them kill each other first! I will give him a technique of alienation first! Let them kill each other first! Hey hey, hey, in this case, can't I sit down and enjoy the benefits of fishermen? After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly happy for his idea.

So, Liu Zheng turned to the two guys in turn, one named Tuobajun and the other named Ramesses. Requests for alliances have been submitted successively, and a lot of funds and resources have been given to them. Liu Zheng knew that it was also necessary to make a little blood in order to show his sincerity. Yes, it is indeed necessary.

However, the later result was that Tuoba Jun refused his alliance request, but Ramses was not bad and gave himself a face. That is also necessary. Yes, it is indeed necessary.

However, the later result was that Tuobajun refused his alliance request, but Ramses was not bad and gave himself a face for this reason. Liu Zheng's impression of Tuobajun was also suddenly extremely bad. Fortunately, at that time, Liu Zheng felt a little relieved that Tuobajun and Ramses' troops actually fought. Therefore, Liu Zheng's impression of the Tuojun suddenly became extremely bad. Fortunately, at that time, Liu Zheng felt a little relieved that Tuobajun and Ramses' troops actually fought.

Just as some troops on both sides approached each other, Liu Zheng felt that there was a good opportunity. However, at that time, when their troops approached and there were still hundreds of meters between them, they did not move or move. When the troops of both sides approached, when there were still hundreds of meters between them, they stopped moving and did not move. Wow, damn it, why don't you start doing it? What are you waiting for? Looking at both of them holding a wait-and-see attitude, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very anxious.

In the end, although the two sides also fought, after all, they only fired a few symbolic shots at each other, and then they ended their separate games. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was so angry! Wow, damn it! Forget it? Forget it?

In fact, not only did it count, but also sent some of the combat power just now and rushed to Liu Zheng's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was so angry that it couldn't be described in a word or two.

is also indistinguishable. Then, Liu Zheng quickly deployed his five " Scud Missile" launchers, and in order to hide, Liu Zheng deployed them all in the mountains and forests. Then, when the powerful combat power, mainly including some motorcycle fast guns, some 88mm artillery, and some infantry combat power, had rushed into the attack range of Liu Zheng's five " Scud missiles", the attack of Liu Zheng's five " Scud missiles" The strike also began.

With Liu Zheng's order, the "loading boxes" on the Scud missiles were opened to both sides, so a missile was also revealed. Then, the missile suddenly ignited, and flames spewed out from the back tail, shouting. Then, the Scud missile suddenly shot out of the launcher, "whisw" broke through the air and flew away. Boom~~~~" As the successive missiles accurately hit the target, a deafening sound suddenly sounded, and a ball of orange explosive flames rushed to the sky and scattered. For a moment, the successive explosion points were shrouded by the explosion fireworks all over the ground.

Although the combat power of the attacked enemy is also fighting back one after another, after all, under the huge destructive power formed by those raindrop-like Scud missiles falling and explosions, it is difficult for them to form much attack ability at all, just in the explosion fireworks everywhere, In the almost deafening explosion, the enemy's chariots also exploded one after another, and the wreckage and debris of the fighting power scattered away. After being shot into the sky, they fell down one after another.

"Haha, ha, wow, my Scud missile, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be so powerful! I really didn't expect it to be so powerful! Small nuclear explosion!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked by the super explosive power of his Scud missile.