Star Trek

Chapter 212 Channel Fire 3

Another task has finally been completed. Liu Zheng also took a long breath. Yes, such a series of toss, no matter who it is, is terrible. What's more, for Liu Zheng, that battle was indeed too fierce and almost unacceptable. However, fortunately, the harvest is quite rich, which makes Liu Zheng and Mei Ting more gratified.

After resting with Mei Ting for three days, when he went online again, an order from the head of the Black Dragon came: there was a tribe named "Harida" located 3,000 kilometers northeast of his base. That tribe occupies a rich place of water and grass, and it stores a considerable variety of excellent mineral resources.

Therefore, according to the order of the head of state, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting were sent to the Harida tribe to plunder the resources there. Shortly after receiving the order, Liu Zheng set off with Mei Ting. After three seconds of darkness through the wormhole transmission channel, he appeared on the new continent.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. It's so beautiful here! Brother Zheng!" As soon as Mei Ting came out of the wormhole transmission channel, she was deeply attracted by the scene in front of her and couldn't help saying in surprise.

"Ha ha, the beautiful scenery is good, but Mei Ting, we value it more, but all kinds of excellent mineral resources here!" After speaking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help squinting and said to Mei Ting with a smile, "Meiting, let me ask you, since there are quite good excellent resources here, and our task is to get these resources. So, I ask you, in what way should we get these resources here?

After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Mei Ting thought for a moment and then said, "Well, this, this~~ Is this actually very simple? Kill the indigenous people here, then don't we own the resources here?

After listening to Mei Ting's words, Liu Zheng couldn't help stretching out his thumbs to her and said, "Well, high, high, really high!" Mei Ting, it's really worthy of following me to fight for so many years. It's really exciting. It's really exciting!" After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Mei Ting actually took a fierce look at Liu Zheng and said andly, "Brother Zheng, are you praising me or hurting me? How are you talking?"

At this time, there was a heavy rain in the sky. That mother-of-law's rain is really heavy! The rain curtain almost covered all the sights. However, Liu Zheng still saw through the heavy rain curtain that not far ahead, not far away from the high platform in his city center was not far away, actually shining golden light. Looking at the golden light, Liu Zheng couldn't help but light up. Wow, money, money, that's a pile of gold coins!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but shine brightly. I thought to myself: Wow, damn it, damn it, this time, I really stepped on shit luck, and this time I really stepped on shit luck! I met such a lot of gold! However, just when Liu Zheng wanted to send someone to carry it, I really stepped on the shit this time! I met such a lot of gold! However, just as Liu Zheng wanted to send someone to carry it, he suddenly found that there was an elephant shooter guarding there next to the pile of gold!

And it was not until this time that Liu Zheng understood: Shit, so it is! If you want to get that pile of gold coins, it seems that you have to destroy the elephant shooter first! Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that if you don't provoke the enemy's elephant archer, he will not take the initiative to attack you. However, once you rob its things, then you will be angry with it. Then, for sure, it will show you its prestige!

So, after understanding this, Liu Zheng naturally moved a little. In this case, then naturally, you can't grab it empty-handed. At the very least, I really can't send that kind of farmer to complete this task. You can't grab it empty-handed. At the very least, I really can't send that kind of farmer to complete this task.

Yes, that's indeed the case. Although their kind of peasant soldiers also hold a spear in their hands, their attributes and their true identity are used for construction. Like building some buildings and building some military facilities, which are their insider. But if you let them go to war, it won't work. However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng has trained two halberd soldiers and a crossbow car. Well, a close battle and a long battle may be able to complete this task. Well, it should be about the same, it should be about the same!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his four halberd soldiers took the lead, holding a halberd in their hands, and strode straight to the pile of gold. At this time, when he saw someone coming to grab his gold, the elephant shooter would naturally not be indifferent, so a branch of feather arrow shot out of the tower on the elephant's back!

And almost at the same time, his own crossbow car also fought back. So, the two sides shoot arrows at each other, and you come and go. Like a flying locust, it shuttles back and forth. At this time, Liu Zheng's halberd soldiers had rushed to the side of the elephant archer, and they all grabbed the halberd in their hands, and most of them cut directly towards the guy's elephant legs.

Above, the elephant shooter was shooting vigorously. Suddenly, he only heard a "ka" sound. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the two forelimbs of the elephant were cut off by his long soldiers! Then, the elephant wailed in pain, and then fell down. They were all cut off by their own halberd soldiers! Then, the elephant wailed in pain, and then fell down. And the elephant shooter above was naturally pressed under the elephant and killed alive.

Then, Liu Zheng finally obtained the pile of gold, with hundreds of units, thus greatly enriching his gold reserves. Next, Liu Zheng seized two bookcases, improved his technology (which played a very important role in upgrading to the next era as soon as possible), and picked up other treasures empty-handed. Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Zheng has built his second city center and also built his second trading center and warehouse. In this way, naturally, my pace towards the second era has been accelerated a lot.

Now, Liu Zheng finds that after a period of operation, he clearly feels that his gold is still enough, but his own resources are always insufficient. So, Liu Zheng looked around and finally found the reason. That is, it turns out that there are many other resources, such as forest resources, stone ore resources, iron ore resources, and so on. In this case, then naturally, you can build some warehouses of your own next to those resources. In this way, can't you greatly increase the collection of resources?

Now, Liu Zheng sees that his base has finally entered that kind of medieval era. In this way, it means that you are already too backward in terms of hierarchy. However, Liu Zheng also knows that there is still a long way to go! If you want to truly take the initiative of the battlefield, it means that you are already too backward in terms of level. However, Liu Zheng also knows that there is still a long way to go! If you want to really take the initiative of the battlefield, then you must have an absolute advantage over the enemy in resource competition.

Yes, this is actually a fairly simple truth, that is, if you want to make progress faster, then you must make your opponent progress slower. This is a law of death. Moreover, Liu Zheng seems to know such a rule, that is, computer players always seem to be faster than living players, producing and building. Yes, that's exactly the truth.

So, in this case, for Liu Zheng, there is no other way out, that is, only by suppressing the development of the opponent first can he catch up with or even pass the opponent from the whole strength.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng sent his own construction workers to build five barracks. Naturally, he increased the quota of dozens of people for his population. In this way, I have no worries about the future.

Then, when I saw my current combat ability, it was not very powerful. Therefore, when I saw that the production and construction funds and resources were still quite abundant, I once again ordered the production of five mortar chariots in one go. In addition, there were seven Mongolian soldiers. . In addition, Liu Zheng also felt that he had quite good combat ability for the five or six halberd soldiers produced at the beginning.

I saw the land that had just been occupied by my opponent in the distance, and a trade center was built on the place bordering my territory. Trade carriages are coming and going between the city center and the trade center.

Moreover, Liu Zheng looked at it, but it was amazing! Wow, there are so many trade wagons! Yes, why is there such an iron trading carriage? There are as many as seven or eight! Moreover, this is just the trade center! If it finally happens, the opponent has built at least seven or eight urban centers, that is to say, the enemy has now occupied at least seven or eight territories.

If there are so many territories, then how many trade centers and how many trade carriages does that guy have to have! And how much production and construction funds will so many trading carriages earn for his mother? Damn, compared with my own trade center and trade carriage, it is much less!

And as soon as he saw it here, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be murderous. Yes, in this world, force is the last and most effective way to solve the fundamental problem. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng began to mobilize some of his combat strength, and then marched towards the trade center above the territory of the enemy! Yes, Liu Zheng did not declare war on him first, but wanted to fight a blitzkrieg with the enemy. The so-called attack is unprepared! When his combat forces were basically gathered there, he suddenly ordered to attack him. In this case, it will definitely get the best results.

Soon, under Liu Zheng's personal command, his own combat forces finally gathered at the enemy's trade center. There, the enemy's trading carriages are hurriedly between the trading center of that one and the center of the enemy's city.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided to destroy the enemy's trading carriages first. Well, yes, let's kill the enemy's trading carriages first! After all, relatively speaking, especially in the absence of the protection of the enemy's armed forces, it should be said that the enemy's long-trade carriages are still the easiest to be destroyed!

However, in order to ensure the success of the battle, Liu Zheng still made full preparations. That is, he concentrated his group of Mongolian cavalry and some halberd soldiers in front to form a fortification. In this way, even if there is any combat power of the enemy, it will not pose too much threat to its own group of long-range attack forces.

Everything is ready at this time. Therefore, under Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his five mortar vehicles were ready to start attacking the target! I saw that each mortar had three troops there. Among them, one was loaded, the other ignited, and the other gave orders. The loader hurriedly loaded the seemingly large shell into the gun barrel in a very standardized manner. Then, with the order of the man, the torch in the hand of the ignition soldier ignited the fuse. A "soso" sound sounded, and the one burned, and then, with the deafening loud noise, a shell shot out and roared through the air...

"Boom~~" As the * hit the trading carriages one after another, in the violent explosion, some of the enemy's trading carriages were blown up in chaos and a mess...


However, at this time, Liu Zheng was also thinking that instead of using that kind of long-range attack, it would be better to let his nuclear energy mecha land on and then carry out an alternative attack on some military facilities in the enemy's base. In that case, it is actually very beneficial for the upgrade of your own nuclear energy mecha. It's true, but it's very beneficial.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his nuclear mecha slowly marched from the sea in the direction of the enemy's base. At the same time, he kept making a sound. The harsh sound came.

A strange sound suddenly came, and a dazzling laser beam came and hit Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha fiercely. Therefore, I saw that my nuclear mecha suddenly burst into smoke, and its life value was knocked out by 20% or 30% at once. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be furious and said to himself: Damn it, it's really awesome! However, the attack of my nuclear mecha will begin soon!

Liu Zheng knows that in fact, his kind of nuclear energy mecha, its artillery attack is also quite powerful! One attack will shoot five to seven shells. Moreover, each shell has quite good lethality! I saw, "Fire!" With Liu Zheng's order, I saw that the three-barrel cannon barrels on the two nuclear mecha were ** one after another, and then the sound of firing "boo-boo~~" sounded one after another. At the muzzle, the dark golden explosive firelight kept shining, with four or five huge shells in succession, drawing several parabolic lines. It fell into the enemy's infantry crowd.

The sound of a "boom" explosion suddenly sounded. At the same time, a dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. For a moment, the enemy's group of infantry fighting power, flesh and blood flew across the ground, and artillery fire rose in the sky. At the same time, Liu Zheng also found that after the explosion, the shell of his nuclear mecha was centered on the explosion point and was actually quite radioactive. In the golden light mapping, all the infantry fighting power of the enemy who stepped in again turned into a pool of green water...