Star Trek

Chapter 213 Channel Fire 4

And now, Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha has been successfully upgraded to the Samsung elite level! And Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about what such a level means.

However, Liu Zheng also considered that anyway, his nuclear energy mecha is just one now. And how can only one nuclear energy mecha deal with so many combat forces of the enemy? Therefore, in the past, in the face of the siege of too many enemy forces, although my kind of nuclear mecha was quite powerful, it ended helplessly in the end! Helplessly, it was blown up by the enemy!

So, the previous situation, now, Liu Zheng said nothing and doesn't want it to happen again. Therefore, Liu Zheng, who had led his own one, had been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level nuclear mecha and went to the depths of the ocean! However, at this moment, suddenly, seven or eight enemy infantrymen rushed out of the enemy's base!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. He thought to himself, "Wow, damn it, why did so many enemy infantry come out at once? Why did so many enemy infantry fighting power come out? However, although he was surprised, Liu Zheng also knew that his kind of nuclear mecha, in fact, the kind of infantry fighting power against the enemy, especially the kind of clustered infantry fighting power against the enemy, is quite good, which has a quite good advantage!

After seeing the position, Liu Zheng began to secretly order: Damn, fire! I want to leave, how dare you come to see me off? Well, that's enough, buddy! OK, OK, in this case, let me give you a reply! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw three barrels stretching one after another. Then, five or six huge shells shot out and crossed several arcs. In that very sharp cry, it banged and hit the group in the distance that was rushing here. On top of the enemy's infantry fighting power.

And at the moment when the five or six huge shells had just fallen to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like a carpet-style bombing. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, stretching around one after another and spreading And in the black and red explosive fog that rose to the sky, in that scream, it fell into a pool of blood one after another...

Ha ha, ha, it seems that it is really a quite fierce battle! That's really a pretty fierce battle! However, soon, Liu Zheng's heart was no longer so happy, because suddenly, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that the BTR-70 armored vehicles with at least five or six enemy troops had rushed forward!

It seems that I found that my nuclear mecha had just shelled its infantry strength, so I came to interrogate Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha. Therefore, the speed was extremely fast, and the long barrel kept trembling, as if it were spreading offensive articles. Then, with the sound of fire, which continued to sound, shells shot out and fell fiercely on Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha, blowing up a ball of smoke and curling up.

However, the problem is that in this case, the health value of Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha is actually falling and falling at that speed visible to the naked eye. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally understood that now, it is not the time for him to fight with them. He still retreats and seeks the second place, and he can't immediately compete with his opponents for a while.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, and then his own nuclear energy mecha began to retreat slowly and retreated to the depths of the ocean. On the surface of the water, there was also a snow-white spray. And its own nuclear mecha, just as it glides on the surface of the water, looks like sliding on the ice...

And some of the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles will not travel on the surface of the water. Therefore, when I saw Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha slowly moving away, I had no choice but to stop the attack. However, at this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing in his heart: Wow, damn it! You can't attack me now, can you? Ha ha, ha, you can't attack me now, but, I can attack you right away! Hey hey~~

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a sense of revenge. Then, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear energy mecha had been far away from the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles, so Liu Zheng couldn't help but secretly measure the distance.

One of the very important reasons why Liu Zheng did this is that if his nuclear mecha is too close to the target, then its long-range nuclear bomb attack will not work. And this also makes Liu Zheng have something incomprehensible. Shit, generally speaking, it is too far, often because it is out of reach. If it is too close to the target, then its long-range nuclear bomb attack cannot work. And this also makes Liu Zheng have something incomprehensible. Shit, generally speaking, it's too far away, often because it can't be reached, so it can't be attacked. But now, it's too close to work!

In this case, it seems that there is only one explanation, that is, if you are too close, if you release that kind of nuclear bomb, then you will definitely hurt yourself! Therefore, only after a certain distance can we launch that kind of long-range nuclear bomb attack! Now, Liu Zheng has tested it, and such a long distance still doesn't work! Damn, Damn, in this case, it seems that I have to retreat again! Therefore, Liu Zheng commanded his own nuclear energy mecha and retreated to the depths of the ocean again...

"Wow, I said, why can't you attack the target sometimes! It's not far away, but it's understandable. However, many close goals can't be done! Now that I think about it, I know it's such a thing!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly.

Now, finally, Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear energy armor had finally retreated far enough. Well, such a place should be OK, right? After thinking about this, Liu Zheng still used to test it and thought it was really good! Finally, you can launch that kind of long-range nuclear bomb attack on the target!

"Prepare! ~~" With the sound of Liu Zheng's "preparation" command, Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear energy mecha, at this time, was already on the surface of the sea, and in the soft sound of "buzzing", deformed his attack mecha mode into a launch level that could launch long-range nuclear bombs. Taiwan mode! Then, with Liu Zheng's order, "Start!" The nuclear missile launcher behind the nuclear energy mecha had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

In this way, with his own one, the long-range nuclear warhead fired by his own nuclear energy mecha roared out and went through the fog. Finally, it fiercely hit the top of the head of the five or six BTR-70 armored vehicles on the edge of the enemy base, along with the dark red mushroom. The clouds soared to the sky, and when the smoke finally disappeared, Liu Zheng looked again, and there, together with the enemy's ore refinery and those BTR-70 armored vehicles, had completely disappeared...

However, now, Liu Zheng knows that the construction factory in the enemy base has not been destroyed by himself at all. Therefore, in this case, the enemy will build their own military facilities again at any time. That is to say, I haven't really touched the enemy's muscles and bones now, and what I have hit is just some of the enemy's combat strength and some of the fur of the base.

And just when Liu Zheng thought so, as expected, soon, Liu Zheng finally saw that on the coast on the edge of the enemy's base, an enemy shipyard was suddenly built from above the sea. After seeing this, Liu Zheng originally wanted to attack the nuclear bomb of his nuclear energy machine armor again and kill it. However, Liu Zheng soon changed his mind.

Yes, soon Liu Zheng changed his mind. That's because, after all, there are still several heavy cruisers moored near the enemy's shipyard! Yes, there are at least five of their own heavy cruisers! In this way, once you attack with a nuclear bomb, there is no doubt that your five heavy cruisers will also be destroyed by the huge explosive force. And that kind of situation is naturally not what Liu Zheng wants to see!

However, Liu Zheng is not. Except for that nuclear energy mecha, there is no other attack power. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at his seven return-class warships on standby on the sea. Thinking of their kind of long-range and dense artillery attack, he couldn't help but be happy! Ha ha, ha, okay, okay, then, since the long-range nuclear bomb attack of the nuclear mecha is not available, let's use them! After all, they are just that kind of artillery attack!

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his seven Tropic-class warships slowly adjusted their direction on the sea surface, and then slowly towards the target and closer. Go closer. Soon after, with Liu Zheng's attack order, the attack finally began. With the continuous sound of gunfire, shells shot out one after another. Moreover, Liu Zheng had already seen very clearly that four shells shot out in one attack! The shells crossed the sky, and it looked like hail. However, it is obvious that although the gunfire attack of this kind of warship has a long range and the amount of bombs is also very dense, it does lack accuracy. Therefore, after playing for a long time, the target's health value only declined quite slowly.

"Damnly, the lethality is not very strong! Sure enough, its accuracy is not very accurate! Yaya, what a bastard!" Liu Zheng couldn't help cursing hatefully.

However, Liu Zheng also strengthened his will: Damn, no matter what, I will always kill you! Liu Zheng then became determined: Damn, no matter what, I will always kill you! Isn't it just a shipyard? At most, it's just a little longer! Anyway, I don't lack time now!

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his regression-class warships to continue to attack the target! As the naval guns fell densely, the enemy's shipyard was surrounded by gunfire! The snow-white waves splashed away and rose to the sky! And the enemy's shipyard was soon shrouded in the fireworks...

"Well, soon, soon! He is also about to be blown up!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

Finally, the so-called "work pays off". After 20 seconds of intensive naval gun attack, the enemy's shipyard finally exploded under the attack of the rain-like naval gun bomb. The countless wreckage and fragments scattered and were blown into the air one after another, and then fell from the air one after another, smashing countless snow-white waves.

Moreover, Liu Zheng has finally understood now, that is, now, the enemy's base is still covered by the dark curtain, so Liu Zheng can't know what the enemy's main construction factory is. What place? Yes, mother, Liu Zheng can't know where the enemy's main construction factory is. Yes, mother, where on earth is the main construction factory of the enemy's one in Yaya?

In the absence of clear coordinates, Liu Zheng could no longer use his own nuclear mecha to attack the target. Therefore, Liu Zheng has thought that the only way is to send his five or six Kirov airships to fly over the enemy's base! In this case, the dark curtain will also be pulled away! Moreover, as long as their Kirov airships can really fly over the enemy's base, then they can almost do the military facilities in the enemy's base!

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his five Kirov airboats moved together again. In that buzzing sound, they flew over the enemy base that was still covered by the shadow of the enemy.

Finally, with his five Kirov airboats, he gradually broke through the shadow. Finally, Liu Zheng finally saw where the main construction factory was in the enemy base. Seeing that the enemy's main construction factory was actually built on the edge of the enemy base, just on the edge! Shit, mother, why didn't I see it just now?

Well, now, there is no need to say anything more. Let's kill the enemy's main factory first! If you put it like this, you won't have to dream a long night! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his five Kirov airboats slightly adjusted their positions in the air, saving them from long nights! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his five Kirov airboats slightly adjusted their positions in the air, and then prepared to launch the fierce attack on the construction factory of the enemy's one!