Star Trek

Chapter 223 Corner of Dune 3

In this way, the Kirov airship of the enemy who rushed to the front was finally shot down. However, the two rear bombardment of the enemy's Kirov airships also began. And this is exactly what Liu Zheng is most afraid of and worried about. You know, the bombing ability of the enemy's Kirov airship is quite powerful, really powerful!

"Mom, call me, beat me hard! Hit him! Be sure to knock them down for me, and you must knock them down!" At this time, Liu Zheng shouted almost hysterically. And with Liu Zheng's almost crazy clamor, on the ground, his light armored vehicles and the three ace forces - heavy missile tanks, also attacked with all their strength.

"Wow~~" All kinds of missiles roared through the wind, roared over their own base, hit the target directly, and made a deafening explosion. And that kind of enemy Kirov airboat, naturally, is not so easy to be shot down - yes, once that happens, his mother's guy will no longer be called Kirov airship.

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the two remaining Kirov airboats of the enemy had begun to descend and slowly. Then, Liu Zheng knew that the two enemy Kirov airboats were undergoing adjustments before the final bombing. Once the adjustment is completed, the attack will also begin.

Sure enough, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his two Kirov airboats had finally made adjustments, and then their attack began. The Kirov airboats slowly lowered its height, and then slowly opened its magazine in the abdomen. Then, Liu Zheng saw that huge bombs were dropped from the magazine one after another.

At the same time, the harsh whistling sound of "youyou" sounded one after another. And after the heavy bombs hit the target one after another, in the sound of the bomb explosion, in the dark red explosion fog rising to the sky, Liu Zheng saw that the barracks in his base and the ore refinery were blown up in the sky one after another. ! The countless wreckage and debris scattered all over the ground. And on top of that, there is a mess, messy smoke debris everywhere. The craters are full of bullet holes and smoke...

After seeing this, the pain in Liu Zheng's heart! Wow, damn it, this is really a fucking bastard! It's really motherly, and he has won. Alas, it seems that I have to further strengthen my anti-aircraft firepower in the next step! Otherwise, his base will be destroyed by the bombing of this kind of enemy Kirov airship as soon as possible!

Fortunately, the enemy's two Kirov airships have finally reached the limit of their health. Then, under the attack of Liu Zheng's light anti-aircraft tanks and those heavy missile tanks, they finally fell from the air one after another...

"Boom~~" Looking at the enemy's two Kirov airboats, they came down from the sky one after another, slowly descended, flipped, and then fell on a power plant in his base. As a result, they suddenly smashed an explosion. Ring to the sky...

And now, although Liu Zheng finally knocked down the two Kirov airboats of the enemy, Liu Zheng soon found that on the edge of the enemy's base, an enemy's super magnetic explosion coil had been built again! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Wow, damn it! Just now, the super magnetic explosion coil that the enemy has built has made me worry enough, but Fortunately, the enemy's magnetic explosion coil is too far away from its own base and will not pose much threat to itself. But now...

Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil again and found that it was really too close to his base. It's almost close at hand! As long as your combat force gets a little closer, then, for sure, you will be fully attacked by the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil! But it's really too close. It's almost close at hand! As long as your combat force gets a little closer, then, for sure, you will be fully attacked by the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but secretly take a breath of cold air again. Damn, it seems that I have to attack with my own heavy missile tank first. Maybe I can still attack the target! Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his two heavy missile tanks had gathered at the edge of the river. Haha, haha, it's okay, it's okay! Here, it was not attacked by the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil! It seems that this place has exceeded the attack limit of the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil!

"In this case, then I won't be polite! Ha ha ha~~" Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing. Yes, the next step depends on whether your two heavy missile tanks can be separated by the narrow river and attack the super magnetic explosion coil of the enemy on the other side of the river. Next, it depends on whether the two heavy missile tanks can attack the enemy's super magnetic explosive coil on the other side of the river.

"Start! Attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his three heavy missile tanks made a slight adjustment in the direction, and then, with the sound of missile fire, one by one, red-tailed missiles, jetting orange tail flames from its missile launcher Shoot out, break through the wind, and roar! Turning through several arcs, he quickly attacked the target in the sound of breaking wind and rapidly attacking the target with that kind of faster and faster acceleration. Boom~~ As several red-tailed missiles hit the target one after another, a sound of explosion suddenly sounded...

"Haha, haha, good, good, really good, really good! Hit, hit, I finally hit!" After seeing the red-tailed missile fired from his three heavy missile tanks flying across the river and finally hitting the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil one after another, Liu Zheng couldn't help cheering loudly. After flying across the river and finally hitting the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil one after another, Liu Zheng couldn't help cheering loudly.

However, soon, Liu Zheng could no longer cheer. Yes, that's true. With the missiles launched by his three heavy missile tanks, after roaring across the sky, they hit the target one after another. Liu Zheng saw that the super magnetic explosion coil on the other side of the river of the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil was not killed much! Although the missile was attacked one after another, Liu Zheng found that in the continuous and violent explosion, it was too little to kill the life of the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Wow, damn it! What on earth do you say this, this, this?

Yes, the killing ability of its own heavy missile tank is really beyond my expectation. His weak attack power is simply too low, that's simply too low! Damn, I'm really disappointed! It's so disappointing! However, Liu Zheng did not dare to let his three heavy missile tanks move forward half a step. Otherwise, Liu Zheng dared to say that his three heavy missile tanks would be killed by the super magnetic explosion coil. Liu Zheng is sure of this.

Looking at the super magnetic explosion coil of the enemy, under the missile attack of his three heavy missile tanks, the lost health value was also quickly repaired. When Liu Zheng's attack on his three heavy missile tanks also followed. The bottom has lost confidence.

"It seems that I have to think of another way!" Liu Zheng thought secretly. At this time, he suddenly thought of a combat technique that he used to be very familiar with, that is, to attack in the east and west! Yes, you can first use your own heavy missile tank with high health to attract the attack power of the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil, and then use your own super Yuri clone to control it. In this way, once the super magnetic explosion coil of the enemy is controlled, the situation of the whole battlefield will also change significantly, and it will develop into a very beneficial aspect.

In this way, Liu Zheng followed his own idea. Soon after, with his order, the three heavy missile tanks had crossed the river and rushed straight to the super magnetic explosion coil of the enemy. At the same time, it was Liu Zheng's super Yuri replicator who followed closely. And this good play basically depends on whether your super Yuri replicator's performance is in place.

"Oh, what is the gunfire of the chariot? How can it have such a strong attack ability? After a few shots, Liu Zheng was surprised to see that the life value of his super magnetic explosion coil controlled from the enemy's hand was actually falling and falling at that kind of speed visible to the naked eye. Naturally, Liu Qingshan felt very helpless.

A lightning-like magnetic arc shot out and hit an unknown enemy's chariot, making a "xiao la" sound. It sounds very harsh.

"Wow, damn it, what kind of fighting force is that of the enemy? What kind of attack power is that? Why is it so powerful?" Liu Zheng couldn't help asking himself. Yes, that kind of combat power really makes me feel very strange. Due to the obstruction of some enemy buildings, Liu Zheng can't see what the enemy's combat power looks like. However, come back, no matter what, that guy is a rather terrible chariot! This must be understandable.

"Boom~~" In this way, with the violent explosion suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that after the enemy's unknown chariots fiercely attacked his own super magnetic explosion coil controlled from the enemy's hand, finally, a violent explosion The sound suddenly came. Then, a powerful explosion suddenly sounded. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the super magnetic explosion coil he had finally controlled from the enemy's hand was suddenly blown up by the inexplicable chariots of the enemy. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Wow, damn it, it seems that there are really crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the enemy's base! I really can't take it lightly!

However, soon, Liu Zheng has come up with a very good method, that is, he can and completely use his Yuri replicator to control it again! Well, yes, this method is still very good! On the one hand, he can use the super Yuri replicator to control the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil. At this time, the enemy's (or a) horrible combat force will definitely attack his own super magnetic explosion coil.

At this time, his own Yuri replicators can just rush over and wait for the opportunity to control it. Haha, haha, what a good way to fight! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, another attack began immediately. Five or six Yuri replicators hurried across the cobblestone path, and then approached the target location.