Star Trek

Chapter 224 Corner of Dune 4

Liu Zheng's vision is indeed quite good. However, in fact, when it was really implemented, it made Liu Zheng suffer greatly.

When Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators crossed the cobblestone path and finally avoided the enemy's general magnetic explosion coil, they were finally very close to the enemy's mysterious weapon! And according to Liu Zheng's idea, in this case, he will soon control it! Yes, as long as it is a mobile combat power, then there is absolutely no problem in doing it yourself.

However, just as Liu Zheng tried to order his several Yuri replicators to move closer to the enemy's mysterious weapon, just a few dozen meters away from the enemy's mysterious weapon, suddenly, with a roar, Liu Zheng looked At the muzzle of the mysterious weapon, the dazzling red light began to shine one after another, and then, after that, several of his Yuri replicators fell into the pool of blood one after another, and even a scream came out.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng realized that the mysterious weapon of the enemy was not a mobile chariot, but a fixed weapon of the enemy! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused. Wow, damn it, why is there another powerful weapon?

In this way, it will naturally bring some pressure to Liu Zheng. Yes, originally, the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil has caused great threat and pressure to Liu Zheng. If it hadn't been for his super Yuri clone to control it, his current situation would have been more passive. Yes, that's true. Wow!

Looking at his few Yuri replicators, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very sad when he was wiped out by the unnamed fixed weapons of the enemy. What makes him more sad is that he has to think of a way to solve this problem. Yes, I have to find a way.

"Well, in this way, if you can have another Yuri replicator and control the enemy's unnamed land-based weapon, won't it solve the problem? Just like I just now, I finally used a super Yuri replicator to control the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil?" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

However, Liu Zheng naturally knew that the training of that kind of super Yuri replicator only trained one person at a time! Yes, only one person has been trained! Unless the replication center has been built in your own base, you can train two super Yuri clones at a time.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at his base. At this time, it should be said that there is really a replication center in my base. Oh, mother, how could it be like this? How could it be like this? What were you busy with just now? Liu Zheng is deeply saddened by his mistakes in the construction of the base just now.

Yes, although the construction of the base is under the control of Mei Ting. However, basically, Mei Ting also acted according to her own instructions. Therefore, in general, I still have the overall responsibility for base construction. Fortunately, now, the amount of production and construction funds on my base account is not too small. In this case, I have to make up for it and build a replication center first. The amount of production and construction funds on your base account is not too small. In this case, I have to make up for it and build a replication center first. After that, we can talk about it and train two super Yuri clones.


After seeing this, he saw his own base. At this time, there was only one copy center missing, and Liu Qingshan said hello to Mei Ting. Of course, it is actually very simple to build a replication center with the current financial resources in their base. Yes, that's true.

However, Liu Zheng knows better that if he wants to train two super Yuri replicators at the same time (through that replication center), then, naturally, it must be possible to achieve such a kind without a super Yuri replicator. Training.

However, now, after all, I still have a super Yuri replicator. Therefore, Liu Zheng thought that if he wanted to have two super Yuri replicators at the same time, he must make his existing super Yuri replicators disappear. Otherwise, if you want to have two super Yuri clones at the same time, you must make your existing super Yuri clone disappear. Otherwise, everything will be fantasy.

In this case, Liu Zheng thought that he would simply send his own super Yuri replicator to test it. Yaya, you can do whatever you like. Anyway, it's better once you succeed, but it saves you more trouble. And once it fails, then the so-called "old ones don't go to the new ones" happen to take the opportunity to train two super Yuri replicators, and then act according to their established guidelines.

In this way, Liu Qingshan commanded his super Yuri replicator and rushed to the unknown land-based fixed weapon of the enemy in front of him with that kind of mortal determination. Go away. Of course, Liu Zheng also took an opportunity, that is, for the time being, the super magnetic explosion coil of the enemy has not been built. Otherwise, his super Yuri clone naturally has no way to split up.

However, when Liu Zheng's super Yuri replicator had just approached the unnamed land-based weapons in the depths of the enemy's base, he was about to exercise mental control. However, at this time, suddenly, the sound of "bang" fire suddenly sounded, followed by a The fierce explosion flames rose to the sky, and then the super Yuri replicator of Liu Zheng was suddenly burned to ashes, and even almost didn't have time to make a scream.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Damn it, he still failed, still failed! Forget it, you'd better take your own second walk! Well, start training your two super Yuri replicators! It seems that I can't do it if I don't show him some real skills!" Liu Zheng couldn't help gritting his teeth in anger.

Yes, now, there is a replication center in his own base, the barracks have been built for a long time, and the only super Yuri replicator has just been martyred. In this way, you can train your two super Yuri clones to your heart's content. Once his two super Yuri replicators are successfully trained, the unknown and very powerful land-based weapon in the enemy base will also be controlled by himself! Thus, it will become an important force to help you destroy the enemy base!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng has led his virus sniper to the cliff next to the enemy base. Yes, on that, Liu Zheng knew that he could completely rely on the condescending terrain advantage to carry out that kind of long-range attack against some suspicious combat forces in the enemy base! Yes, that kind of long-range sniper!

In this case, then their own laser UFOs can also fly over the power plants in the enemy's base, and then absorb that kind of electricity to cut off the power supply in the enemy's base.

And as long as the power supply in the enemy base is interrupted by itself, it will be much easier to say. Yes, Liu Zheng naturally knows, that is, in fact, the unnamed fixed attack weapon in the enemy base must also rely on electricity to work - even if he doesn't rely on electricity to work, it doesn't matter. Yes, that's true. Because as long as the power supply is cut off, the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower will definitely be finished. In addition, the super magnetic explosion coil of that kind of enemy will directly become a pile of scrap iron.

In this way, since the enemy's anti-aircraft guns will lose the ability to attack, their own laser UFOs will naturally continue to stay there, so that they will go further and attack some of the various combat forces in the enemy's base, so as to advance. Step by step, weaken the defense force in the enemy base. The only possibility that may pose a certain threat to Liu Zheng's laser UFOs is the enemy's anti-aircraft infantry. Yes, although those guys look relatively weak, their air defense attack ability is really quite strong!

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng sent the virus sniper who had been upgraded to a one-star elite level, stood at the top of the cliff on that side, and then prepared for a long-range sniper towards the target in the enemy base. Once the air defense soldiers in the enemy base dare to move, then their own virus snipers will not eat for nothing.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that his virus sniper had already carried the sniper rifle and was fully prepared to attack all the enemy's infantry fighting power that might appear.

Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his four laser floats, in the buzzing sound, set out from his base and flew straight to the enemy's base. Fly straight away.

"Oh~~" The four anti-aircraft guns in the enemy base, seeing Liu Zheng's four laser UFOs, are flying towards their own base, and naturally carrying out that kind of air defense attack with all their strength. As the sound of bombardment kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that a mass of black smoke was flying in the air, and the health value of one of the laser UFOs was also falling...

Finally, suddenly, just as my four laser UFOs kept flying forward, just as they were about to fly over the target, one of the laser UFOs, after being knocked off some of their health points, finally stopped suddenly, and then drifted from the air. In the middle, it rolled and fell down. It looked like a straw hat, helpless, helpless and powerless to float down from the air.

However, Liu Zheng doesn't care about that at all. Yes, my ultimate goal is to cut off the power supply in the enemy's base and completely cut it off. As for other things, it doesn't matter. A laser UFO was knocked off? Well, fight? Naturally, it's a very normal thing to sacrifice.

Finally, Liu Zheng's remaining three laser UFOs finally flew over the power plant on the edge of the enemy's base. Then, under Liu Zheng's order, his three laser UFOs finally began to absorb electricity from the enemy's power plant. With the strange sound of "buzzing" sounding one after another, the pale yellow aperture went up from bottom to top, from small to large, rising and rising.

It's as if there is too much magic, taking the endless power supply from that power plant. Then, as the pale yellow aperture continued to rise, the power supply in the enemy's base was basically completely cut off! At this time, all the anti-aircraft guns in all the enemy bases also stopped and found that all the light towers stopped rotating. They looked like they were not angry and dead, as if they were a pile of scrap iron...


However, despite this, there are indeed many anti-aircraft soldiers in the enemy's base. At this time, I saw that the enemy's air defense soldiers were carrying a handle of anti-aircraft guns and attacking Liu Zheng's three laser UFOs suspended over the enemy's power plant in mid-air!

"Oh~~" The huge recoil generated by the sound of the anti-aircraft gun fired violently drove the body of the enemy's air defense infantry back. However, some of the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery still insisted on their attack! It is still attacking one after another.

However, at this time, the attack of the one-star veteran-level virus sniper arranged by Liu Zheng also began. With the sound of the sharp shooting of the sniper rifle, a dark green light fog rose and floated on the ground. It looked like a ghost fire.

And some of the enemy infantry suddenly sounded with the sharp calls of the extremely sharp sniper infantry, and soon turned into bright green human light fog, which seemed that there were countless viruses surging and corroding on them. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng's virus sniper, after killing many enemy infantry forces, was immediately upgraded to a Samsung elite virus sniper. After seeing this, there was no need to mention the joy in Liu Zheng's heart.

Moreover, Liu Zheng actually knows that once upgraded to the Samsung elite level, the sniper distance and shooting frequency of his own virus sniper will also be greatly improved. In short, its lethality will certainly be greatly enhanced. This is also an important reason why Liu Zheng is very happy.

However, in order to better play the attack ability of his hero's virus sniper, he really killed all the enemy's infantry in the enemy base. Liu Zheng still upgraded his one who had been upgraded to a three-star elite-level virus sniper to attract It was closer to the center of the enemy's base.

And just after Liu Zheng had just left his virus sniper from the position just now, an enemy battle bunker suddenly rose up! At this time, Liu Zheng knew that his super Yuri replicator was not there, so naturally he could not control it.

And the enemy's kind of combat bunker can be said to be specialized in sniping its own infantry fighting power. And if one of my three-star elite virus snipers is still there just now, surely, with the construction of the enemy's battle bunker, his virus sniper will definitely be killed. Yes, that's almost certain.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Wow, he is really suspenseful, really suspenseful!