Star Trek

Chapter 225 A Corner of the Sand Dunes 5

However, of course, Liu Zheng will not let the enemy's battle bunker exist for too long. Because now, after all, the four laser UFOs in their hands are suspended on the enemy's power plant!

Yes, in fact, that is the only one that really plays the role of power failure. Therefore, Liu Zheng can naturally separate two laser UFOs to attack other targets. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his two laser UFOs suspended over the enemy's power plant gently moved their positions, and then flew away to the enemy's battle bunker, which had just been built.

"Fire! Get rid of him!" Liu Zheng's eyes almost burst into flames. Yes, in the face of that one, he would almost kill his three-star elite virus sniper. Liu Zheng's battle bunker was quite hateful in his heart. Therefore, with his order, he saw that his two laser UFOs had begun to attack the target.

Fight! Liu Zheng clearly saw that at this time, his two laser UFOs were firing a unique air-ground laser at the enemy's battle bunker. In the process of high-speed rotation, a series of white laser beams shot out one after another, making a strange sound of "yo-yo-yo". The white-green laser beams broke through the air, roared, pierced the air, hit the target fiercely, and made a roaring explosion.

At the same time, Liu Zheng also saw that the white and green laser beams were shot out in the process of high-speed rotation of the laser UFO, as if the laser UFO was originally accumulating some energy, and finally suddenly shot a shot,...


Now, Liu Zheng saw that after successfully cutting off the power supply by himself in the enemy base, the level of his virus sniper was immediately upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Now, there is no more threatening combat power in it. Measured. And in this case, of course, you should seize such a good opportunity to attack its base!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng saw the enemy's Apocalypse armor controlled by his Yuri replicator. Ha ha, ha, that guy is really quite big! It looks like a super transformer! At this time, the guy was wandering back and forth on the edge of Liu Zheng's base, as if looking for something.

"Mom, don't be idle there like nothing! Come here and make contributions to the war!" Liu Zheng shouted angrily to the enemy's Apocalypse (which has been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicator). And the Tianqi mecha, under the order of Liu Zheng, turned around very clumsily, and then took that huge step, and rushed towards his attack position in the noisy sound of "banging and banging".

"Well, that's good, young man! Since you have been controlled by me, you have to work hard for me, so that you won't lose!" Liu happened to add to each other. Then, under Liu Zheng's command, the Apocalypse mecha began to attack some military facilities in the enemy base! Start from that enemy's industrial factory.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's industrial factory is something that plays a very important role. Yes, that's true. Because the existence of that thing can reduce the cost of military facilities and production units by about 20% or 30%, that kind of industrial factory does play a very important role in the construction of the base and the production of combat power.

In this case, it is natural for Liu Zheng to attack the enemy's industrial factory first. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack began immediately. I saw, "Fire!" With Liu Zheng's order, the three-barrel cannon barrel on the Apocalypse mecha was **, and then the sound of firing began one after another. At the muzzle, the dark golden explosive firelight kept shining, and three huge shells crossed three parabola lines and landed. On top of the enemy's industrial factory.

The sound of a "boom" explosion suddenly sounded. At the same time, a dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. For a moment, the enemy's industrial factory, in this way, soon, the gunfire rose to the sky in the explosion of the cannonballs rising to the sky. At the same time, Liu Zheng also found that after the explosion of this kind of Apocalypse mecha, centered on the explosion point, it still had quite strong radiation. In the golden light mapping, the enemy infantry combat power of the enemy who once stepped in again and rushed from somewhere turned into a pool of green water...

In this way, soon, Liu Zheng's Tianqi mecha quickly destroyed the enemy's battle bunker, and soon killed the enemy's industrial factory and several power plants. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his Tianqi mecha had already been upgraded to Samsung. Classic level.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Then, under an order, his own Tianqi mecha, the Tianqi mecha controlled from the enemy, the Tianqi mecha that had been upgraded to a three-star elite level, strode to the enemy's one, located in the center of its base, to build a main factory, and rushed straight away. Yes, that's the key to your own attack!

Liu Zheng's heart is naturally very clear. As long as you destroy the enemy's main construction factory, basically, you have taken the initiative to fight! Moreover, more than 80 to 90 percent, I already have the possibility of winning.


Now, there is basically no enemy's defensive combat force in the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. Even if one or several enemy infantry are trained from that barracks occasionally, it doesn't matter. With the remote and high-frequency sniper ability of that Samsung elite virus sniper, it's not a joke to kill them!

The sound of a very sharp sniper rifle sounded one after another, and with the harsh explosion of the sniper rifle sounded one after another, one by one, the steps of the enemy trained from the enemy's barracks. The soldiers fell on the ground one after another, and then suddenly turned into a cloud of green light fog, and it was a kind of human-shaped green light fog. They struggled and looked like a bloated monster, fleeing in all shapes, and finally disappeared.

And his own one, the Apocalypse mecha controlled from the enemy, has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level at this time, so under such a situation, Liu Zheng naturally has no worries at all. Yes, what is he afraid of? In particular, after the unknown land-based combat force in the enemy base has been eliminated by his laser UFOs, Liu Zheng is naturally more fearless. Therefore, he is now relieved and bold, leading his three-star elite-level Apocalypse mecha, which has been controlled from the hands of the enemy, to the main construction factory in the central area of the enemy base.

Looking at the extremely imposing appearance of his three-star classic-level Apocalypse mecha, Liu Zheng knew that at this time, as the three-star elite Apocalypse went to the center of the enemy, the enemy's main construction factory basically had no resistance at all.

Occasionally, your own Samsung elite-level Apocalypse mecha will also encounter some small mecha of the enemy, such as the attack of rhino mecha. However, they, those small mechas, are not at the same level as this Samsung elite-level Apocalypse mecha!

"Oh!!!!" Several heavy shells shot out one after another, and in the process of the "yo-yo" shell flying, it quickly hit the target and made a loud explosion sound. Then, it almost killed one in one shot. Facing the small mecha of the enemy that appeared one after another, the Samsung elite-level Apocalypse mecha did not take them as a thing at all. The shells fired one after another, facing the enemy's small mecha that appeared one after another, and the Samsung elite-level Apocalypse mecha did not take them as a thing at all. After another, the shells shot away, hit the target, roared, and the wreckage flew around...

Keep moving forward.

Yes, now, Liu Zheng saw that his Tianqi mecha, which was controlled from the hands of the enemy, had been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level Apocalypse. In the enemy's base, it was galloping and invincible. Immediately after the shell hit the target, it was a dark red mass, which looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, and the target of the enemy who was hit could hardly withstand a few times...

"Boom~" In the midst of several explosions and fogs, the enemy's main construction factory was suddenly blown up into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally grew up and breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, the main factory of the enemy's construction was suddenly blown into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally grew up and breathed a sigh of relief. Wow, it's really not easy, it's really not easy!

After that, Liu Zheng couldn't help but look at the contents of the enemy's base. It can be seen that in addition to a shipyard (around the shipyard, two enemy's dreadnought-class warships and several enemy sea scorpion anti-aircraft gunboats) along the coast, it is also located on the coast, an enemy's magnetic detonation coil. Although at this time, the power supply in the enemy base has been basically cut off by Liu Zheng, because there are two enemy magnetic explosion engineers next to the enemy's magnetic explosion coil, and at this time, the two enemy magnetic explosion engineers are there for their own Magnetic explosion coil, magnetization!

Liu Zheng knows that in this case, although there is no electric energy supply, that kind of magnetic explosion coil can still have quite good attack ability! Because the magnetization of the two magnetic explosion engineers is enough to give it the necessary combat energy.

Of course, Liu Zheng is unwilling to let his Apocalypse mecha (the one controlled by the enemy) suffer some unnecessary damage. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to kill the two magnetic explosion engineers of the enemy first, so that he could completely kill the magnetic explosion coil of the enemy with his Samsung elite-level Apocalypse mecha.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng naturally handed over this task to his own one, who had been upgraded to a Samsung elite virus sniper and marched towards the magnetic explosion coil of the enemy.

Because there is basically no defense force in the enemy's base, Liu Zheng's virus sniper was not blocked by any enemy's combat power at this time, and it was very smooth. Soon after, he came to a few hundred meters away from the target. Place. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack began immediately.

"Fight!" As soon as Liu Zheng's words fell down, he suddenly sounded with the sound of the shooting of a sharp sniper rifle. A cloud of dark green light fog rose up and floated on the ground. It looked like a cloud of ghost fire. The two magnetic explosion engineers of the enemy suddenly sounded with the sharp sound of the sniper infantry, and soon turned into bright green human-shaped light fog, which seemed to have countless viruses surging and corroded. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...


"Haha, haha, I finally knocked him out!" Liu Zheng saw his three-star elite-level virus sniper and finally killed the two magnetic explosion engineers of the enemy one by one, and couldn't help but feel happy for a while. And below, you can use the Apocalypse Mecha to rampage through the enemy's base! Well, kill the two enemy's Dreadnought warships first! Because at present, among the enemy's base, it seems that only the two dreadnought warships can pose a certain threat to themselves.

The sound of heavy mecha footsteps kept echoing in the enemy's base. Soon after, the Apocalypse came to the side of the enemy's shipyard. At this time, the dreadnought warship next to the enemy's shipyard was attacking, but it was too late!

Yes, of course it's too late. Liu Zheng knew that it would take a certain amount of time for that kind of enemy's dreadnought warship from igniting rockets to launch, and then passing through a period of air flight to finally hitting the target! Therefore, although the two enemy's Dreadnought warships have begun to prepare to launch the target at this time, Liu Zheng knows that his Apocalypse mecha has come to their side! And what they face next will also be the fate of being sunk. Liu Zheng has already thought of this. However, Liu Zheng knew that his Apocalypse mecha had come to their side! And what they face next will also be the fate of being sunk. Liu Zheng has already thought of this.

Sure enough, just as the two enemy's Dreadnought-class warships were launching that kind of big thrust missile, suddenly, their own Samsung elite-level Apocalypse mecha had come to their side. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, their attack also began.

"Fight! Sink them all into the sea! Be sure to sink them all into the sea!" Liu Zheng gave the death order.

Then, I saw that my Tianqi mecha, standing and lighting up its dominant three-cylinder cannon, towards the target, which was a burst of pain! The three barrels stretched one after another, and then three huge shells shot out and crossed three arcs. In that very sharp cry, they bombarded and hit the enemy's two dreadnought warships.