Star Trek

Chapter 227 Snow Life 1

A series of shells roared through the wind, and the golden light shone at the mouth of the gun. It looked as dazzling as a small sun.

And at the moment when the three huge shells just fell to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like that kind of carpet-style bombing. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, stretching continuously and spreading everywhere. . The huge waves were blown up... Soon, the enemy's two dreadnought-class warships finally slowly sank to the bottom of the water under the fierce artillery attack of Liu Zheng's Samsung Elite-level Tianqi Mecha.

At this moment, Liu Qingshan suddenly heard a voice from the system: Your opponent has begged for mercy. Do you accept his request?

After hearing this message, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Then, Liu Zheng made a decisive decision: No, since that guy has killed so many combat power, it would be unreasonable to forgive him so easily! No, in any case, I will destroy that guy first. Since that guy has killed so many combat forces, it is really unreasonable to forgive him so easily! No, no matter what, I will destroy that guy first and completely eliminate it!"

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng replied to the system's own decision. Then, eight seconds later, the system replied that your opponent has now fled to one of his bases. The name of his base is called 'snow vitality'.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be really angry. Therefore, under an order, Liu Zheng ordered his brave troops to quickly pack up their equipment and facilities and chase the enemy base called "Snow Life". Yes, Liu Zheng, now he really has the idea of putting the other party to death! Otherwise, he can't get out of his indignation!

Heavy snow fell from the air one after another. Between heaven and earth, it soon became a snow-white scene. And Liu Zheng's troops marched towards their destination in the snowy weather. The long marching team seems to have simply become a long dragon, all kinds of weights, all kinds of equipment, all kinds of feeds, etc. Naturally, it is all within that pursuit force.

One hour later. Liu Zheng's pursuit force finally came to less than 100 kilometers away from the snow where the enemy's base was located. Therefore, Liu Zheng looked for a relatively flat and open area, and then ordered his men to start camping. It's less than 100 kilometers away. Therefore, Liu Zheng looked for a relatively flat and open area, and then ordered his men to start camping.


And now, after the camp has been carried out very steadily, Liu Zheng naturally began to build his own base first. Yes, although this time, it is a victory for me, I should also know that the mourners will win. Therefore, in this case, of course, I can't be too careless. Otherwise, it would have been quite a good situation, but it was very likely that it would end up with a defeat.

And this time, Liu Zheng has been cruel, that is, no matter what, he has to build three ore refineries first. Liu Zheng knew that it took courage to build three ore refineries. Yes, that's true. This is not that Liu Zheng is too alarmist, in fact.

Every time a slave mine is built, it costs 2,000 yuan to produce and build it. Yes, more than 2,000 production and construction funds are not a small amount. In this case, after the construction of the three slave mines, it is not about how much money it costs, but time! If you only spend time on those three slave mines, then naturally, there will be a great possibility that the enemy will use this time to produce quite a lot of combat power! Then, once the opponent attacks his base, he will undoubtedly lose.

Therefore, Liu Zheng actually knows very well that he is actually carrying out a very risky action now. Yes, that's true. Once this adventure is successful, it means that you will have enough production and construction funds in future battles, so it is likely that you will be ahead of your opponents in the direction of production and construction capital. Naturally, this is also a prerequisite for his final victory. For Liu Zheng, he will have enough production and construction funds in future battles, so it is likely that he will be ahead of his opponents in the direction of production and construction funds. Naturally, this is also a prerequisite for winning in the end. For Liu Zheng, it is indeed quite important.

Of course, this practice is also very likely to cause a disastrous consequence of your base. However, Liu Zheng is also fully prepared. That is, this time, I just want to fight with the enemy! As a result, it should be said that from the current situation, Liu Zheng is still right. Because now, Liu Zheng has not found any sign of a large-scale enemy combat force rushing over.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that there is one of the biggest characteristics of his combat power base, that is, he does not have such a strong combat force, but he has a considerable infantry combat power - Yuri Replica. Yes, that's true. Yuri clone can control most of the enemy's combat power and become his own combat power. In this way, on the one hand, it can naturally resolve the enemy's attack, and on the other hand, it can also take some of the excellent combat power of the enemy as its own, so as to strengthen and improve its overall combat ability to a certain extent.

Therefore, in this sense, only if the enemy keeps attacking their own base, then they can continue to control some of the enemy's combat power. In this way, they can also take some of the enemy's combat power as their own, or simply put them Send it to your own army recycling plant and turn it into a certain production and construction fund for the construction of your own base and combat production.

is also considered here, so after Mr. Liu Zheng produced several mad orcs, he quickly trained five or six Yuri clones. In case of emergency. Yes, the enemy's brigade will attack at no time. At that time, I'm afraid it will be too late to produce again.

At the same time, Liu Zheng also built his first army recycling plant. Yes, this partial recycling plant is one of its most important military facilities. With it, he can lead the combat power of the controlled enemy there through the Yuri replicator, thus earning a certain amount of production and construction funds for himself. In this way, the construction of your own base and the production of combat power will continue to develop and grow.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Liu Zheng's plan. However, just as Liu Zheng was about ready, several of the enemy's magnetic explosive engineers had rushed to Liu Zheng's defensive position. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally couldn't help but be shocked. I thought to myself: Wow, damn it, it's really damn fast, it's really damn fast! How did you come? How did you come?

However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng's men have trained a virus sniper. And the virus sniper is exactly the most powerful force against the enemy's infantry. Therefore, it can be said that a virus sniper is not afraid of all kinds of infantry forces under his hands.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that he must not let the enemy's magnetic explosive engineers get too close to his base, because that guy, although only belongs to the infantry, has a quite good killing ability. Therefore, after making it too close to its own position, then its own base will suffer considerable losses.

Therefore, Liu Zheng naturally will not wait for the enemy's magnetic explosive engineers to get too close to his position before ordering fire. You know, the magnetic arc light of the magnetic explosion engineers, their lethality, and their attack distance are all extraordinary. At this time, looking at the enemy's magnetic explosion engineers, they have finally entered the attack range of their own virus sniper. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, finally, the attack of his virus sniper began immediately.

In the tight wind and snow, Liu Zheng saw that his virus sniper, very confidently and smoothly, raised the special sniper infantry in his hand, and then opened fire on the three magnetic explosive engineers of the enemy. With the sound of the sharp shooting of the sniper rifle, a dark green light fog rose and floated on the ground. It looked like a ghost fire. And some of the enemy infantry suddenly sounded with the sharp calls of the extremely sharp sniper infantry, and soon turned into bright green human-shaped light fog, which seemed to have countless viruses surging and corroded on them. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...

In this way, after a few shots, the three enemy's magnetic explosive engineers quickly turned into the bright green light fog, soaring into the air, and then they all went away with the wind. In this way, the first attack on the enemy ended.

However, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's chariot attack also followed! Yes, Liu Zheng has seen clearly that they are four heavy missile tanks. It seems that each one is obviously majestic and rushing straight towards his base.

Liu Zheng knows that that kind of enemy's heavy missile tank has medium-range missile strike capability, so it is also a quite good combat force. Now, I only have a few shafts of wind chariots, so if you compare the strength of chariots alone, then, it is obvious that Liu Zheng's wind chariots must not be compared with the enemy's heavy missile tanks.

However, Liu Zheng still doesn't take them seriously. Moreover, Liu Zheng even felt a little happy! Because, this also means that you have the opportunity to get the first foreign money. Well, yes, that's true. The first foreign money is about to be available.

Obviously, the first "foreign wealth" mentioned by Liu Zheng here is actually, that is, using his Yuri replicator to control the enemy's heavy missile tanks, and then throw them into his newly built troop recycling plant. In this way, naturally, you will get a foreign money. Moreover, that foreign money is likely not to be too small. Because Liu Zheng knows that the cost of that kind of enemy heavy missile tank will cost at least 1,600 yuan. Therefore, after sending it into the army recycling plant, naturally, even if the discount factor is removed, each one will get at least 1,000 production and construction funds. Well, that's absolutely fine.

"Whew!!!" At this time, the enemy's four heavy missile tanks had launched several missiles and attacked Liu Zheng's windmills. In the face of this situation, there is no way for Liu Zheng's windy chariots. Yes, that's true. Because the attack distance of my kind of wind chariot is quite limited.

Yes, that's true. Although Liu Zheng also admitted that his attack ability of that kind of wind chariot is not very bad. Even, from a certain point of view, its lethal ability is not weaker than that of the enemy's heavy missile tank. However, the problem is that in any case, after all, it is only a melee force, so there is really no way to face the enemy's long-range attack.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the missile attack of the four enemy's heavy missile tanks was also beginning between a seemingly dense forest. With the sound of the "whisw" missile, the red-tailed missiles, spraying the orange tail flame, shot out from its missile launcher, broke the wind and roared away! Turning through several arcs, he quickly attacked the target in the sound of breaking wind and rapidly attacking the target with that kind of faster and faster acceleration. Boom~~ As several red-tailed missiles hit the target one after another, a sound of explosion suddenly sounded...

"Boom~~" In this way, with the deafening explosion sounded one after another, Liu Zheng saw that two missiles fired by the enemy's heavy missile tanks had been hit by his four wind chariots at this time! Moreover, in the burst of smoke, a large part of the health of his four wind chariots has been destroyed.

bursts of smoke have risen to the sky, and a large area of dark red light has also shrouded them. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very anxious. However, in fact, he has already taken action. Yes, that's it. At this time, his five or six Yuri clones had sneaked into the forest and quietly penetrated the enemy's heavy missile tanks opposite the forest.

Finally, they are getting closer and closer to the goal. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that they had finally entered their own attack range. So, Liu Zheng gave an order and began to control! Liu Zheng's replicators, who sneaked by, stretched their hands forward, and they looked like apes. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy chariots rushing in front of them were controlled one after another, and then, with those that had not yet been The chariot behind him started a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!

Seeing the wonderful performance of his Yuri replicators, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very funny when he looked at the enemy's chariots that were under control and kept spinning around.