Star Trek

Chapter 276 Stormy 11

However, Liu Zheng soon found that the enemy's Kirov airboat had launched an attack on his base for the second time so quickly. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt a little nervous, because this time, Liu Zheng found that the target of the enemy's Kirov airships was his newly built nuclear mecha platform. Wow, damn it. You know, the current nuclear energy mecha production platform happens to be the most unmovable military facility among its own bases.

The reason for this is not how much the nuclear mecha production platform itself is worth, but because now, two nuclear mecha production tasks are being carried out within that nuclear mecha production platform. You know, it will cost 8,750 to produce a nuclear mecha. Moreover, this 8,750 production and construction capital is still in the case that it has built its own industrial factory, so that all production and construction are much cheaper than before. I don't know what it means to produce a combat unit worth nearly 9,000. I believe every player knows very well.

Moreover, there is another important point, that is, once one of its nuclear mecha production platform is blown up, the nuclear mecha production platform itself is a considerable nuclear bomb. Once there is an explosion, Liu Zheng dares not imagine what the consequences will be caused in his own base. Therefore, in Liu Zheng's view, in any case, the three Kirov airboats of the enemy cannot be allowed to blow up their own nuclear mecha production platform. Yes, in any case, the enemy's three Kirov airships cannot be allowed to reach their targets.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his seven to eight light armored vehicles gathered from all directions again, and then began to prepare for an attack. The sound of such a sharp and harsh scream suddenly sounded, and the anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, crossed the sky, forming a gray-white track, and headed straight to the target and towards the three Kirov airboats in the air.

The gray tail smoke dragged behind those missiles looks very smooth. Obviously, the trajectory of this flight also shows the rapid flight of this kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not like other anti-aircraft missiles, flying while adjusting the direction of flight from time to time, or left or right, but a curve that looks very smooth.

"Boom" suddenly sounded with the loud noise. Liu Zheng saw that after the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target, the enemy's Kirov airship flying in front of him was first a fierce battle, then the whole fuselage crooked, and then rolled helplessly from the air. In the middle, it fell down and loaded on the ground, blowing up a pillar of smoke in the sky...

Liu Zheng saw that thanks to his light armored vehicles, most of them have been successfully upgraded to the Samsung elite level, and under the Samsung elite level, its air defense capability has naturally been doubled. Therefore, after the full air defense attack of his own light armored vehicles, the three Kirov airships of the enemy were finally shot down one after another.

However, because the enemy's Kirov airship was ejected as an ammunition depot loaded with considerable bombs, after it hit the ground fiercely, some of Liu Zheng's chariots around him were naturally damaged to a certain extent. Looking at his chariots, the shock wave formed by the explosion of the enemy's Kirov air court, and the shaking of their health at a speed visible to the naked eye, Liu Zheng was not anxious, because at this time, he had just produced three field repair vehicles. If they are there, then drive out. Naturally, there is no problem with your own chariot. After thinking about this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw his three newly produced field repair vehicles coming out from the side of the chariot factory in his base as fast as possible to the scene of the incident.

Yes, Liu Zheng has always played a great role in that kind of field repair vehicle, and 10 points affirmation. At this time, his 32 field repair vehicles had crossed the military facilities in his base from all directions and came to the damaged chariots and ran away. At this time, looking at some of his field repair vehicles, it looks as if he can't stand it anymore, just like a doctor facing his patients and eager to try his own medical methods.

Liu Zheng has considered what kind of role this kind of field maintenance vehicle can play. On a small side, through their timely maintenance, their injured chariots can be put into the battle again in time. In this way, not only can you save a large amount of production and construction funds for yourself and produce a sufficient number of chariots to make up for your lack of combat strength, but also a more important aspect, that is, through the maintenance of maintenance vehicles, in many cases, in many cases, you can I have better grasped the fighter plane and not wasted good combat opportunities, which is very beneficial to my grasp of the war process.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his three newly produced field repair vehicles had come to the side of the damaged tanks. Then, their maintenance work is about to begin. Liu Zheng saw that the two repair cars rushed to the side of the injured chariot at the fastest speed. Then, waved the steel pliers above and waved repeatedly at the damaged part, followed by a "squeaky" sound. At the same time, fireworks-like sparks came out, and in the dazzling and dazzling sparks, the health value of the repaired chariot was also At a speed visible to the naked eye, it recovered and recovered. At the same time, the repaired chariot was also shining all over, constantly flashing that kind of golden light, shining, and it looked like it was being reborn.

And at this time, Liu Zheng was happy to see that five Thunderbolt-fire self-propelled artillery had been produced in his base. Only Liu Zheng himself may know how meaningful the five Thunderbolt self-propelled guns are. Because of this Thunderbolt self-propelled gun, it can be said that among Liu Zheng's combat power, it is the strongest conventional attack force. Whether it is

Its attack distance and lethality are unmatched by other conventional combat forces. In many cases, in many cases, Liu Zheng can destroy the enemy's attack power outside his base by relying on this kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled artillery. Therefore, Liu Zheng was very happy to see that he finally had five Thunderbolts and self-propelled artillery. He knows that so far, he has had considerable defensive combat capability. And the situation of being beaten passively will soon come to an end.

Soon, Liu Zheng was able to see that his five Thunderbolts and self-propelled guns that had just been produced played a great role in the defense of his base. Five enemy rhino tanks came to attack, followed by more than a dozen enemy mobilizers. It looks magnificent and powerful. After seeing this, Liu Zheng felt relieved soon. Because the current formation is very ideal. In front is a defensive house, which contains at least seven to eight of their own infantry forces. In this way, some of the enemy's attack forces will first be attacked by their own defensive residential firepower. In this way, it creates conditions and wins time for the long-range attack of the five Thunderbolt guns that have just been produced behind. Therefore, seeing this situation, Liu Zheng already knew that there was no suspense in this war.

At this time, Liu Zheng's defensive residence has been engaged in the enemy's attack. The dense firepower formed a and used the network, crisscrossed, making the enemy's attack force difficult to move. As a dense bullet hit some of the enemy's rhino chariots, Liu Zheng saw that for a moment, Mars was shot everywhere, and the attacked enemy's rhino chariots actually turned around.

At this time, when the enemy's attacking troops finally recovered and were ready to concentrate their firepower to launch an attack on Liu Zheng's defensive residential houses, deep in Liu Zheng's base, the five newly produced Thunderbolt rockets finally began to power. This is also a long time ago, Liu Zheng once again appreciated the huge attack power of his P and rocket launchers. The launchers of their two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets have slowly risen, adjusted the angle, and then the attack began! With the harsh sound of missile fire, a bunch of ground attack missiles emerged from the two Thunderbolt rockets, dragging the dark red tail flames and shooting at the target. And its trajectory also looks extremely smooth, and in the process of its flight, the windy roar is endless. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way.

Liu Zheng saw that the attack distance of this kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is still quite far away! Archery is not much different from the long-range attack of nuclear mecha. Moreover, the number of missiles is still quite large. At the very least, there are at least five or six missiles launched by each Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket. In this way, if two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets fire at the target at the same time, the bunch of missiles will roar in mid-air, which is simply flying like rain! After hitting the target, the dark red explosive fog that broke out also looked very eye-catching. For a moment, where the missile attacked was naturally filled with smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog rushed to the sky.

"Boom ~ ~ ~" Due to the level of Liu Zheng's two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets that participated in the attack, they have reached the elite level of Samsung at this time. Therefore, under such a level, naturally, after hitting the target, pieces of blue and white explosive flames are naturally permeated everywhere. It seems that the scene is like a demon fire, which is very strange.

Red and red bombardment, with the rocket launchers hit the target vigorously, and the huge lethality of the Thunderbolt and rocket launchers was really reflected again at this moment. That rocket gun was already quite large in its own killing and injury, and the firing was very dense, so it looked like a rain, spilling down one after another. Clusters of dense explosive light and fog rose to the sky. In the deafening explosion, the enemy's rhino tanks, of course, one by one More than a dozen mobilizers, who also included the enemy, were soon submerged by the exploding light fog. As for Political Commissar Liu, the powerful power of this play and rocket launchers was finally confirmed again at this moment.

If Liu Zheng finally produced the five Thunderbolts and self-propelled artillery, it means that the defense ability of his base has once again been upgraded to a new level. It seems that after successfully using the five Thunderbolts and self-propelled artillery to launch an attack by the enemy, Liu Zheng finally became happy again. . Because Liu Zheng is happy to see that he has made another breakthrough in combat production now. Yes, now I have produced my first heavy missile helicopter gunship. Liu Zheng knows what kind of combat capability this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter has. It can be said that this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter, with its extremely powerful attack ability and her very good deformation ability, is fully qualified to become a leader in all Liu Zheng's combat power. The missiles launched by this heavy missile armed helicopter can attack both air and attack. And this is also one of the most powerful aspects of this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter.

Generally speaking, even if this kind of helicopter gunship can carry out missile attacks, it can often only carry out air-to-air attacks. For the combat power in the air, it is rarely carried out by helicopter gunships. That kind of thing is generally the responsibility of that professional fighter. However, Liu Zheng's heavy missile armed helicopter has changed the traditional helicopter attack method. It can not only carry out air-to-air attacks, but also air-to-air attacks, and their air-to-air attacks are not much less lethal than that kind of air-to-air attacks.

However, the disadvantage is that Liu Zheng's heavy missile armed helicopters are too strong when attacking the target, so if several of the same heavy missile helicopters lean together, then their Strong attack firepower will cause accidental injuries to each other, and once accidental injuries are formed, the consequences will be very serious.

Yes, in many cases, in many cases, this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter is not shot down by the enemy's air defense firepower, but is killed by its own other heavy missile armed helicopters. And it is indeed a headache for Liu Zheng. In order to solve this problem, I had to come up with a solution: to deploy my heavy missile armed helicopters in different positions during the attack, and the distance between the two heavy missile armed helicopters is far enough. In this way, they can avoid accidental injuries to a certain extent.

Another point is that this heavy missile armed helicopter also has a very good deformation ability. And this feature is that the helicopter gunship can enjoy many rights, which also further greatly improves its actual combat ability.

The deformation ability of the so-called heavy missile armed helicopter mainly reflects that after landing on the ground, they are no longer in the form of helicopters, but become land-based artillery. Yes, it's really that kind of land-based artillery. Moreover, the transformed land-based artillery also has a very good attack distance and good lethality. In this way, even if they fall from the sky to the ground, they can still maintain a certain combat effectiveness. Thus, the combat power of all the enemy who want to give his ideas cannot be realized.

More importantly, once this heavy missile armed helicopter lands on the ground to form a land-based artillery, it can enjoy all the rights of all ground chariots. Among them, the two most important points are that they can accept the maintenance services of field maintenance vehicles. The second point is that it can be protected by the short iron curtain device. And the right between the two is particularly important for this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter. It can be said that with the full support of these two, as long as you have two or three such heavy missile helicopters, you can destroy all the enemy bases. And this is not alarmist, let alone exaggerated, but a real and real thing.