Star Trek

Chapter 277 Stormy Day 12

After having these two full forces, Liu Zheng knew that once his medium and heavy missile armed helicopter was damaged when fighting in the air, there was a way. Yes, if it is changed to some other armed helicopters in the past, and once they are damaged, they can no longer be repaired. Even if they fly back to the base, they can only maintain their current state, and the health value is as much as they are destroyed. It is almost impossible to restore their health.

So, from this perspective, ordinary helicopter gunships can be said to be disposable combat units. Once damaged, they will never be repaired. In that case, on the one hand, it will greatly increase the cost of combat production, and more importantly, in many cases, it will affect the completion of the task. Yes, that's true, because in many cases, there is only one opportunity. On the battlefield, fighters are fleeting, and once you can't grasp the important fighters, it is very likely that the victory or defeat is between that thought.

After having the right to be repaired, once it is damaged in air combat, its own medium and heavy missile armed helicopter can land from the air at any time and be maintained by a field maintenance vehicle on the ground. In this way, their health can be restored in the shortest time. And R, once their health is restored, they can immediately fly into mid-air again and fight.

Another important point is that it can accept the protection of that kind of short iron curtain device. The short iron curtain device can be said to be one of Liu Zheng's important combat methods and occupies a very important position in Liu Zheng's entire attack combat system. Therefore, Liu Zheng has always valued it very much. However, this short iron curtain device can be implemented for limited combat units. Yes, that's actually the case. Combat units that can implement this short iron curtain device include all ground chariot units. Other combat units, whether it is infantry fighting power on the ground or flying combat power in the air, helicopters or fighter planes, cannot be able to implement this kind of iron curtain device. Therefore, it is in this situation that Liu Zheng's deformation ability of this medium-heavy missile helicopter is just like his big bus.

After this vitality lands from mid-air to the ground and thus transforms into the form of a land-based artillery, it can not only accept the maintenance of the battlefield maintenance vehicle, but also ask the ground tank, which can implement the protection effect of the short iron curtain device. Once wet with that short iron curtain device, this heavy missile armed helicopter can be invable in the air, almost small to the air. In this case, coupled with their extremely powerful attack ability, especially after it has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, Their attack ability is even more terrible.

Therefore, once such heavy missile armed helicopters attack the enemy's base after being equipped with an iron curtain device, because that kind of iron curtain device has a continuous action time of at least 30 seconds, so within these 30 seconds, that kind of heavy missile armed helicopter will How many things can be done in an invulnerable state? Therefore, it was for these considerations that Liu Zheng felt very happy after seeing that he had produced the first heavy missile helicopter.

Yes, Liu Zheng certainly feels very happy. Because this means that you have shifted from the strategic defense stage to the strategic attack stage. Of course, this is very important for Liu Zheng's overall strategy.

At present, what Liu Zheng has to do is, on the one hand, continue to produce his own heavy missile helicopter. At the very least, he has to produce five to eight such heavy missile helicopters. In that case, naturally, I will have a considerable freedom of combat and autonomy.

And on the other hand, what Liu Zheng has to do now is to spy on the situation in the enemy base. In fact, there are two ways to achieve this. One way is to send your own reconnaissance combat power (in fact, that kind of fast-moving chariot, and of course, it can also be air combat power such as warplanes) to the enemy's base area for reconnaissance. However, this reconnaissance method naturally needs to take some risks. Yes, that's true. It's true that we need to take some risks.

Because after all, it is alone within the enemy's sphere of influence, so it is naturally easy to be attacked by the enemy! In that case, some of your reconnaissance forces will suffer great losses. Therefore, Liu Zheng will not use such a reconnaissance method at all unless he has to.

And another means is to use your own professional reconnaissance aircraft to complete this task. And its own professional-level reconnaissance aircraft is free reconnaissance, but between each reconnaissance, it needs to have a cooling time of more than a minute. In this way, sometimes, in many cases, naturally, sometimes, it will delay things. Therefore, in many cases, Liu Zheng uses two reconnaissance methods at the same time. And in this way, naturally, the reconnaissance effect is much better.


However, soon, Liu Zheng finally experienced that kind of air bombing and ground air strike at the same time. And this kind of situation is that I have no experience before.

The first came were the enemy's three Kirov airships. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help scolding himself: Wow, damn it! Why is it that kind of enemy Kirov airship? Is it really endless? To be honest, Liu Zheng is now, although in power, defending against the air bombardment of the enemy's kind of Kirov airship. However, after all, it is necessary to take some risks. Yes, that's exactly what it looks like. Because in that case, if you are a little careless, you will put the enemy's Kirov airboat into your own base.

Once the enemy's Kirov airship is placed over its own base, it is not a joke about what will happen. Yes, that's true.

And now, after Liu Zheng saw this, he happened to test the attack power of his kind of heavy missile helicopter. Yes, my five heavy missile helicopters have just been produced, which should be a good opportunity to upgrade soldiers. Thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his five heavy missile armed helicopters went straight to the enemy's three, which had flown to the edge of their base, the three Kirov airships.

"Fire! Attack!" Seeing his own heavy missile helicopters, they have finally entered their attack range, so Liu Zheng almost gave them the order to attack in the first time. With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's three Kirov airships one after another, making a continuous sound of bombard explosions, which sounded endless. Air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's three Kirov airships one after another, making a continuous sound of bombard explosions, which sounded endless.

However, just when Liu Zheng felt that the battle was quite smooth, suddenly, the situation changed dramatically. That is, the ground attack force of an enemy army actually appeared in Liu Zheng's vision at this time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be smart all over. Wow, damn, this, this, this... double attack of the enemy?

"Whw~~" Liu Zheng saw that from the enemy's ground attack force, there was actually anti-aircraft firepower! At this time, the anti-aircraft rockets fired out and roared straight towards Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopters. Boom~~ Continuously hit the target.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that things were really bad. Yes, it's really broken. Because Liu Zheng knows that although his kind of heavy missile armed helicopter has quite good attack ability, it still belongs to that kind of multi-purpose helicopter. It can attack both ground and air. Naturally, it is a machine with quite good performance.

However, then again, its kind of heavy missile helicopter has a very good attack performance, but also has a fatal disadvantage, that is, its health and defense ability are quite poor. Yes, that's true. In this way, once they are attacked, they have a rather good attack performance, but also have a fatal disadvantage, that is, their health and defense ability are quite poor. Yes, that's true. In this way, once they are attacked, if there are no better measures to enter the protection, they will be eliminated quickly. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, it is also for such a reason that Liu Zheng found that the enemy's ground attack power cluster actually had anti-aircraft firepower, and then he suddenly began to worry. And Liu Zheng's worry is naturally not unreasonable. With the anti-aircraft missiles, which actually had anti-aircraft firepower, they suddenly began to worry. And Liu Zheng's worry is naturally not unreasonable. With those anti-aircraft missiles, they roared through the air and roared, hitting Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopters fiercely, making a loud explosion.

"Boom~~" So, Liu Zheng saw that one of his heavy missile helicopter gunships finally exploded directly in mid-air under the attack of the enemy's anti-aircraft fire on the ground. As the dark red explosion flashed suddenly, followed by a loud noise, followed by countless debris and fragments, scattered and fell from the sky one after another. When it fell to the ground, it looked like rain.

As Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopter was blown up in the air, the enemy's aircraft flew in front of the Kirov airboat. Soon, the last bit of life was finally knocked out. Suddenly, it pushed the balance. First, it shook violently, and then, Then he whirlled and fell down from the middle of the sky.

However, the remaining two enemy Kirov airships continued to fly forward. After seeing this, Liu Zheng really panicked. Yes, in front of him was his own base. In this way, even if the target is knocked down there, it will bring considerable destructive power to your base.

Yes, that's indeed the case. Moreover, there is a nuclear power plant in its own base! And once that nuclear power plant is blown up, it is equivalent to a small nuclear explosion! Therefore, Liu Zheng is naturally very nervous about the emergence of that result. However, he was nervous, but he couldn't stop it at all. After all, it would happen.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the remaining two Kirov airboats of the enemy continued to fly towards his base. However, at this time, his light armored vehicles were naturally doing their best to carry out anti-aircraft attacks.

"Wow~~" anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, dragging the gray-white tail smoke and roaring away through the wind. After crossing the smooth curve, it hit the target at a high speed and making a roaring explosion, which sounded endlessly. In this way, the enemy's second Kirov airboat was finally shot down, but the bomb point hit on the ground is still dozens of meters away from its own construction factory. And such a distance should be said that Liu Zheng's nuclear power plant has not formed a big enough impact. Liu Zheng saw that the life value of his nuclear power plant was only about 20% destroyed at this time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally did not dare to take it lightly. Yes, that's true, because behind, the enemy's third Kirov airboat is slowly moving towards the front, Liu Zheng's nuclear power plant.

At this time, Liu Zheng had an intuition that although his light armored vehicle on the ground finally killed the enemy's second Kirov airboat, it is very likely that the enemy's third Kirov airship will no longer be able to It fell down as scheduled.

Yes, even Liu Zheng's light anti-aircraft armored vehicles have good air defense capabilities, and most of them have been upgraded to Samsung elite level. In this way, naturally, their air defense performance will also be greatly increased. However, after all, the health value of the enemy's Kirov airboat is quite large. Therefore, even Liu Zheng's light armored vehicles are almost doing their best to carry out that kind of air defense attack, but after all, the enemy's Kirov airboat is now too close to its own nuclear power plant.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that he had just killed about 60% of the health of the enemy's Kirov airboat. It seems that my own nuclear power plant can't be preserved this time. I really can't keep it anymore.


Several heavy bombs fell one after another and hit the target - near Liu Zheng's nuclear power plant. Then, naturally, the sound of explosions came one after another, almost deafening. However, on the ground, Liu Zheng's light armored vehicles have also reached a state of madness. Therefore, after their fierce attack, finally, the enemy's last Kirov airship could not support it any more, suddenly shook, and then spiraled, rolled and fell down.

At this time, Liu Zheng had already seen that the enemy's Kirov airboat, which had been shot down by himself, should have hit his own nuclear power plant. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help screaming in his heart! Although the enemy's Kirov airboat actually did not blow up its own nuclear power plant when it bombed, this time, when it fell, it hit its own nuclear power plant...