Star Trek

Chapter 278 Stormy Day 13

Liu Zheng finally saw his three heavy missile helicopters. At this time, he was finally successfully implemented his short iron curtain device. Of course, Liu Zheng knows how significant the successful implementation of this short iron curtain device is for his attack.

Yes, Liu Zheng is of course very clear about this. You should know that this short iron curtain device can make your own attack power free from any enemy attack within half a minute. It can also be said that within half a minute, all the enemy's attacks can be absorbed by this iron curtain device. Thus, after the implementation of the iron curtain device, your own attack power can really be invulnerable and do whatever you want within that half a minute, so as to ensure that you can finally kill the target and complete the task.

Of course, there is a shortcoming, that is, in order to implement a short iron curtain like your own heavy missile helicopter, you must land it from the air and transform from the air flight state into a land-based artillery state on the ground. Only in this way can the maintenance of field maintenance vehicles be received on the one hand, and on the other hand, a short iron curtain can be implemented.

Of course, for Commissar Liu, this naturally seems very troublesome. However, it is said that after all, it is a kind of short iron curtain protection facility that can fight against air combat power. In this case, it is already very good for me.

At this time, he said to Commissar Liu that everything was ready. Looking at the three land-based artillery transformed from heavy missile helicopters, they were all dark, looked 10 points mysterious, and had some strange smell. Liu Zheng knew that this was naturally the effect of his own short iron curtain device. After seeing this, Liu Zheng did not hesitate and gave an order, so the land-based artillery slowly rotated the propellers on their movements at this time. The propellers on the fuselage rotated faster and faster, and then heavy missile helicopters roared up to the sky. In this way, they quickly completed the switching from the ground artillery state to the air flight state.

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's solemn order, his three heavy missile helicopters flew towards an enemy base in the sound of a huge propeller cutting through the air. Liu Zheng stared far away and stared at the scene in front of him nervously and excitedly. You know, this is my first attack in this war. Its success or failure is indeed related to the course of the whole war. Therefore, you can't take anything lightly. Therefore, this battle must also be won.

In this way, three heavy missile helicopters, under the protection of the short iron curtain, flew towards the enemy's base with three black eagles. What Liu Zheng didn't expect was that this was just a tentative attack, but it exploded a huge gunpowder barrel. As a result, the enemy's base was almost taken away by himself.

Yes, since facing the enemy position with at least 20 nuclear mecha, no matter who is, he will look at it differently. They will also be frightened by her super horrible fighting ability. Among other things, how much will be needed for the production and construction of nearly 20 nuclear mecha? How much time does it take to produce more than 20 nuclear mecha alone? Such a row of 20 nuclear mechas is itself an invisible threat, and the psychological pressure brought by human beings often exceeds the actual real attack effect.

At this time, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters had flown over the enemy base in the loud sound of the roaring propellers. Susu, Susu, with the sound of the launch of anti-aircraft missiles, Liu Zheng saw that from the enemy's base, all kinds of air defense forces, as if facing the enemy and as if they had come to the end of the world, scrambling to launch air defense at Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters in the air. Missile.

The various anti-aircraft missiles, some drag the gray-white tail smoke, and some drag the orange tail flame, but they all have very accurate guidance systems, so these anti-aircraft missiles constantly adjust their flight direction while flying. Liu Zheng knew that it was in this adjustment process that their flight trajectory could be constantly corrected to prepare for the final accurate hit of the target.

"Boom-baking-" In this way, with the anti-aircraft missiles roaring through the air and hitting the target fiercely. A deafening explosion came out of mid-air, and a dark red explosive fog kept shining in mid-air. However, Liu Zheng knew that the explosion was naturally not the explosion launched by his heavy missile helicopter, but the explosion of the enemy's air defense missile after hitting the target. Because their heavy missile helicopters have been implemented with a short iron curtain device for about 30 seconds, their current state is invulnerable. In this invulnerable state, no matter what kind of enemy attack, it will have no effect on them.

In this way, facing Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters with the Iron Curtain device, there is nothing we can do about the anti-aircraft firepower of the enemy base. Although they have changed their methods and continuously launched air defense attacks on the three heavy missile helicopters in mid-air from all directions and angles, the protective effect and protective effect of the short iron curtain are still very obvious. All the attacks were absorbed by the short iron curtain. Therefore, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters were unharmed and their health was not lost at all.

In this situation, with Liu Zheng's order, his three heavy missile helicopters finally began to attack. There is no doubt that the target of their attack is the construction factory at the core of the enemy base. Yes, that's the main factory. Only when the main construction factory is destroyed will Liu Zheng feel relieved. Without any base to build the main factory, it will be the destruction of confidence and courage and hope. As the saying goes, the thief captures the king first, and shoots the horse first. If the enemy builds a factory, the whole enemy's base will fall into a kind of mental chaos, and their combat effectiveness and self-confidence will be greatly damaged. Of course, Liu Zheng is very clear about this.

Therefore, the first target Liu Zheng chose was the enemy's main factory, which is undoubtedly 10 points correct. However, Liu Zheng really thought about the location of the enemy's main factory. Because now, the enemy's base is full of nuclear energy mecha, and those nuclear mecha are densely distributed in all corners of the enemy base, looking like a seven-star ladybug.

In this case, due to visual confusion, it is undoubtedly very difficult for Liu Zheng to quickly find the main factory in the enemy's base. Fortunately, Liu Zheng's eyes were also relatively good. After an inner search, he finally found the enemy's main construction factory in the core area of the enemy base! Wow, that's him. You are so hard for me. Come on, now that I have found you, let you taste the power of the air-to-air missiles of my heavy missile helicopter.

In this way, his heart turned at will. With Liu Zheng's order, his three heavy missile helicopters with a short iron curtain attacked the enemy's main construction factory almost at the first time. With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-to-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusted the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's main construction factory on the ground one after another. Therefore, with the sound of the explosion, Liu Zheng saw that the target, the main building of the enemy, was finally blown off, into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the mid-air, and then fell down...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Yes, that's true. Of course, Liu Zheng knows--

What does it mean to destroy the enemy's main building factory for an enemy base? So far, I have finally achieved this goal. However, Liu Zheng found that after defeating the enemy's main construction factory, the short iron curtain on the three heavy missile helicopters took only 10 seconds. Haha, 10 seconds, I destroyed the enemy's main construction factory in another second. The efficiency is really high.

However, the next attack target is also quite important for Commissar Liu. Since there are still 20 to 30 seconds of short iron curtain action time, you can have more than 20 seconds of short iron curtain action time to attack more enemy military targets. The next target of the attack was Liu Zheng, which was originally locked on the enemy's chariot factory. Yes, I know that for a base, in addition to building a general factory, a chariot factory is more important. Because the chariot factory produces the place where armor is trial-produced, and armored vehicles are the most important attack force for every player in every base in the city. It is also the most important combat unit. Therefore, the downfall of the chariot factory is undoubtedly Liu Zheng's next correct choice. However, Liu Zheng soon considered that because this enemy base could have the ability to produce nuclear energy mecha, and that kind of nuclear mecha was exactly the most threatening combat unit. Therefore, in this case, the next target to be targeted is, of course, a military facility that can produce nuclear mecha - a nuclear mecha production platform.

However, after searching for a long time, Liu Zheng did not find the nuclear energy mecha production platform in the enemy base. Although Liu Zheng also knows that the enemy's nuclear mecha production platform is not very large or conspicuous. In particular, in the enemy's base, that kind of nuclear mecha is everywhere, so it naturally makes it more difficult to find the enemy's nuclear mecha production platform.

However, the action time of the short iron curtain of more than 30 seconds is certain. In this case, naturally, Liu Zheng began to be anxious at this time. Wow, damn it, I won't stop doing anything. Let's destroy an enemy's nuclear mecha first. After all, it is also a waste of time if you just spend it here. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his three heavy missile armed helicopters, which had been carried out with that kind of short iron curtain, concentrated their firepower and attacked the enemy's nuclear mecha!

So, for a moment, over the enemy's base, it was really a crisscross of missiles. There are both air-to-ground missiles shot down from above the air and enemy anti-aircraft missiles fired from above the ground, which looks dazzling and chaotic. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed: Wow, that's what he did. That's how it is. Anyway, the more chaotic the better. Anyway, the more chaotic the better!

So, Liu Zheng saw that the missiles shot down from the air, through the clouds and fog, roaring. That sharp roar sounded endlessly. Boom~~ Finally, the air-to-ground missiles roared like this. That sharp roar sounded endlessly. Boom~~~ Finally, the air-to-ground missiles hit the target fiercely one after another. Therefore, in the violent explosion, the health of the enemy's nuclear mecha was falling and falling at that speed visible to the naked eye.

In Liu Zheng's mind, the explosion of that kind of nuclear mecha is actually not much different from the explosion of ordinary chariots. At best, the shock wave after the explosion is stronger. However, in fact, this is not the case. With a shocking noise, Liu Zheng saw a dark red mushroom cloud rising from the ground and going straight to the sky. The space trembled slightly accordingly.

"Wow, I didn't expect that the explosive power was so powerful, so powerful!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. However, what surprised Liu Zheng even more is yet to come. Just when Liu Zheng was surprised by how that kind of nuclear mecha had such explosive power, a scene that surprised Liu Zheng even more appeared. Yes, that's true. Because it was a devastating scene! When he had such a powerful explosive power, a scene that surprised Liu Zheng even more appeared. Yes, that's true. Because it was a devastating scene!

Liu Zheng is also prepared for that kind of nuclear energy mecha, which has a considerable impact and destructive power after bombing.

However, what Liu Zheng did not expect was that this explosion, the explosion of this nuclear mecha, actually caused a chain reaction. Yes, this is also easy to understand. The explosion of a nuclear mecha means that a small core is blown off! Because there is such a dense nuclear energy mecha in the enemy's base, it has caused a rather serious chain reaction. And once this kind of chain reaction is formed, the effect is quite shocking!

"Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" A violent explosion sounded one after another. Liu Zheng saw that at this time, the enemy's base had almost become an explosive barrel. One after another, dark yellow mushroom clouds rose to the sky, rising one after another. The whole space is shaken. Look at the shaking of the mountains. At the same time, the huge explosion wave, centered on the explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

In this way, after that huge explosion, Liu Zheng saw that there were almost no other military facilities in the enemy's base at this time. Yes, with the mushroom cloud rising into the sky and slowly falling down by the explosive fog, the enemy's base was very spectacular, but now it looks desolate. Some of the enemy's important military facilities, such as general construction plants, ore refineries, nuclear mecha production platforms, barracks, power plants, etc. Almost all of them were destroyed.