Star Trek

Chapter 279 New Journey 1

"Hahaha~~~" After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing loudly. In this way, how many chariots have been saved for yourself, how much thought and time have been saved! Well, it seems that this enemy base is almost useless! Since it can no longer pose any threat to itself, I don't care about him anymore. Then destroy the enemy's other base!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng himself didn't believe it. Yes, I didn't expect it, I really didn't think of it! Originally, I was just going to carry out a tentative attack, but what I didn't expect was that I accidentally detonated a nuclear ammunition depot!

Yes, imagine what kind of shock will be caused by the successive explosion of nearly 20 nuclear mechas? How great will the kind of destructive power formed be? Basically, the enemy's base was destroyed in the big explosion just now.

However, soon after, Liu Zheng saw it and saw it in the enemy's base. Although most of the enemy's military facilities had been blown up by the nuclear explosion, Liu Zheng actually saw it and saw three or four nuclear mechas, which looked very It looks anxious. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking, "No, no, mother!" Once I don't care about it, then, let alone, once these nuclear mechas slip around my base, not to mention anything else, after a few nuclear warheads fly over, then, what will your base become?

It should be said that this is really the truth that Liu Zheng is worried about. Yes, yes, that's true. After all, that kind of nuclear bomb attack is not a joke. A dark red

rising into the sky

However, before Liu Zheng could launch another attack on another enemy base, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base of the "nuclear explosion kingdom" of the enemy actually had several nuclear energy mecha.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally surprised. Yes, there were several leaky fish in the unprecedented explosion just now. However, leaving these nuclear mechas can also pose a considerable threat to their own base. No, no matter what, I have to kill these nuclear mecha. If you leave these nuclear mechas, the threat to your base can also be quite large. No, no matter what, I have to kill these nuclear mecha.

Of course, it is up to Liu Zheng to think this way. As a player who is very good at using this kind of nuclear mecha, Liu Zheng certainly knows that the nuclear bomb launched by this kind of nuclear mecha is enough to destroy most of the bases. Therefore, Liu Zheng naturally dares not be careless about the threat of this kind of nuclear energy mecha. Moreover, now that several nuclear energy mecha have been knocked down in my hometown, it has not been very difficult. It's still using its own three heavy missile armed helicopters. Although the cold time of the short iron curtain is not over yet, it doesn't matter. Because after the big explosion in the enemy base just now, there is basically no air defense force in the enemy base. In this case, of course, Liu Zheng can safely and boldly order his three heavy missile helicopters to fly over the enemy base again, and then carry out another air-to-air missile attack on the remaining enemy nuclear mecha. Liu Zheng doesn't believe that most of the bases have been destroyed by himself. Can a few nuclear mechas still be difficult to stop him?

After arriving here, Liu Zheng once again sent his three heavy missile helicopters and flew to the enemy's messy base. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that when he wanted to use his three heavy missile helicopters to once again kill the remaining nuclear mecha in the enemy base, suddenly, the scene in front of him almost stunned Liu Zheng.

Originally, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, there were only two ore refineries in the lower right corner, a combat laboratory, and an old-fashioned technology drilling well. In short, there are only some irrelevant military facilities left. And the four to five nuclear mechas of the enemy went next to the remaining military facilities. However, at this time, just as Liu Zheng was about to order his three heavy missile helicopters to start attacking the target, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw some broken military facilities on the enemy's base, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, battle bunkers and other military installations. Shi, first suddenly shook, and it looked like an earthquake. I

Similarly, the nuclear energy mecha of the enemy who were deeply trapped did not beat themselves. Almost in an instant, suddenly, dark red mushroom clouds rose to the sky, and a loud explosion came, which sounded deafening. Then, the enemy's military facilities with large and small wrecks actually shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the combat forces of the broken enemy, the chariots exploded, and the infantry, turned into a pool of green water in the scream...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt a lot of emotion. Yes, this enemy base should have been one of my most worried opponents. Because in this base, after all, it has the strongest combat ability. Among other things, the more than a dozen nuclear mechas also made Liu Zheng scared after seeing it. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that 17 nuclear mechas, five to six nuclear mechas, will certainly give people a strong sense of oppression. Because once five to six nuclear mechas deal with the edge of their own base, surround their base, and then fire at their own base, like falling from the sky one nuclear missiles, then their base will definitely be blown up in an instant. meng zi

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that the enemy's seemingly powerful base was eliminated in the last few such ways. In this way, Liu Zheng really didn't expect it. Husband, it was God who made a big joke on his opponent. Although the combat effectiveness is strong, what she didn't expect was that the demise of that base was actually related to the strength of her base.

Looking at the enemy's base, it had completely become a wasteland at this time. The traces of the nuclear explosion had not completely disappeared, and countless wreckage and debris were randomly scattered in the wasteland. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then flew his three heavy missile helicopters to another enemy base in a counterclockwise direction by leading his Red Star transport ship.

Yes, until now, the short battle has been so smooth that it greatly rushed beyond Liu Zheng's expectation.

So, Liu Zheng took his own next action plan for the city. Not long ago, Liu Zheng actually received a message from Mei Ting that the enemy had launched an attack on his base not long ago, and at that time, because Mei Ting was busy with production, she did not have a good defense against her base. In that attack, it was said that the enemy had launched an attack on her base not long ago, and at that time, because Mei Ting was busy with production, she did not have a good defense against her base. It was in that attack that a nuclear mecha production platform in Liu Zheng's base was actually knocked out by the enemy's attack power.

After hearing the news, Liu Zheng was naturally very angry. You know, the situation at that time was that the nuclear mecha production platform in the suffocating base was carrying out a nuclear mecha production task. At this time, the production schedule should reach 70 or 80/100. In such a situation, his own nuclear mecha production platform was actually destroyed by the enemy. Isn't this a discarded work?

But after thinking about it, Liu Zheng was quickly relieved. Because no matter what, now I already have a nuclear energy mecha in my hand, which is in the Red Star transport ship. Once needed, you can actually invite the nuclear mecha. At this time, Liu Zheng led his three heavy missile armed helicopters and the Red Star transport ship, which had flown to the edge of the enemy's second base.

The terrain of the enemy's first base is basically the same. Liu Zheng saw that the entire enemy base is also in a basin. Second, around the enemy base, there are still two-story mountains. Above the mountains, there are dense forests. It looks like it covers the sun and doesn't see the sun. It should be a virgin forest. Liu Zheng has even been able to hear all kinds of crisp birds singing from it. Perhaps, there are many other animals living in that forest, which look lush and vibrant.

And in the forest of the second mountain, Liu Zheng saw that there was a technology drilling well of the enemy. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing. Wow, my mother, I am specially willing to destroy this kind of enemy's economic facilities. Liu Zheng has always attached great importance to the important role of economic construction in the battle. Naturally, correspondingly, when fighting, Liu Zheng naturally had the opportunity to defeat the enemy's economic losses first. Because once the enemy's economic lifeline is destroyed by itself or seriously affected, it will directly affect the enemy's combat ability. Moreover, the economic loss of attacking the enemy is generally the least expensive and the results are often the greatest.

At this time, as Liu Zheng looked like, there was no enemy force stationed next to the enemy's technology drilling well. In this way, Liu Zheng will have a good chance to eliminate it. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng had already thought that once he destroyed the enemy's technology drilling king, he could use the empty field as his temporary base. Once your heavy missile helicopter is damaged during the mission, it can be used here for repair.

After arriving here, Liu Zheng ordered his three heavy missile helicopters to drill oil wells built in the jungle of the enemy, and once again launched a medium-space missile attack on the city. With that sound, he saw "wh The continuous sound of missile fire suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the one on the ground on the enemy's technology drilling well in the jungle.

So, with the sound of the explosion of "banging", Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

In this way, Liu Zhengbang commanded his three heavy missile helicopters and finally destroyed the enemy's technological drilling well with 10 minutes of ease. Therefore, the place where the technology drilling well is located has become a flat land. And this flat land can be used as a front-line base for Liu Zheng's attack. With this pre-attack base, Liu Zheng can land here for maintenance after his heavy missile helicopter is damaged. At the same time, our Red Star transport ship can also be temporarily deployed here. If the time is ripe, Liu Zheng can lead it out and launch a nuclear bomb attack on the enemy's base.

At this time, Liu Zheng found that the cold time of the short iron curtain, the special ability in his base, is finally over, that is to say, now his combat power can once again be protected by Shi Shi's short iron curtain. Thinking of just now, it was by relying on the defense ability of this short iron curtain that its three heavy missile helicopters flew freely over the enemy's base and attacked at will as if they were in no man's land, which destroyed the main construction factory in the enemy base first, and then, by fighting The way to drop an enemy nuclear mecha detonated that one and the ammunition depot. Thus, the enemy's base was destroyed.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the short iron curtain, he could use it for the second time, and Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Because he knew what kind of combat effect he would get if he once again gave the three heavy missile armed helicopters and implemented the iron curtain device.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng landed his three heavy missile helicopter gunships from the air to the ground one after another, deformed them once again to the state of land-based artillery. Because only under the state of roadbed artillery, the direct attack of this kind of heavy missile can also be protected by a short iron curtain. As the propeller slowly stopped rotating, Liu Zheng finally saw that his three heavy missile helicopters had finally landed on the ground, and the distance between them was not very far, or even very close. In this way, it is convenient for them to be the world's short iron and wood protection.

"Short iron curtain, start implementation!" With Liu Zheng's decisive order, the short iron curtain finally began again. Immediately after a strange sound, some black light spots were mottled, covering the chariots. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

In this way, after the three heavy missile helicopters have been implemented with the effect of the iron curtain device, with Liu Zheng's order, in the sound of the roaring propeller cutting through the air, the three heavy missile helicopters flew straight to the enemy's nearby base. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that in fact, in the enemy's base, he seemed to have found his own missile helicopter visiting their base. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that all kinds of anti-aircraft guns began to prepare. However, after seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering secretly. He knew that his short iron curtain could be lower than all fire attacks. Therefore, within half a minute of the action of the short iron curtain, its three heavy missile helicopters can hit anything, and no combat unit can pose any threat to it.

Several anti-aircraft guns in the enemy base began to attack the three heavy missile helicopters of Liu Zheng, who were looking for an attack target in mid-air. One by one, anti-aircraft shells exploded in mid-air. A mass of black smoke spread out in the air. However, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters, which did not suffer any loss of health, were still looking around for the enemy's core military facilities - the construction of the main factory under Liu Zheng's command.