Star Trek

Chapter 280 New Journey 2

The new combat mission has finally begun again. For Liu Zheng, this is undoubtedly a new beginning. However, according to the headquarters, Liu Zheng knows that this task is a little different from the previous tasks. The biggest difference is that the task I have taken now belongs to a series of combat missions. In this case, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting are required to be ready for a protracted war.

In addition, according to the information sent by the headquarters, Liu Zheng knows that once they can win this series of combat missions, the headquarters will reward them with a bonus of 100,000 yuan. It should be said that this is a bonus of 100,000 yuan, which has considerable ** power for every player. 100,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan!

Now, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting look at the troops in their hands. So far, the troops in their hands include the Tropic-class warships and two heavy cruisers. Moreover, the three warships held by Liu Zheng have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level so far. Looking at their three warships, rising and rising with the surging waves on the sea, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting's mood was as undulating as the waves on the sea.

Yes, for both of them, this is indeed a new beginning, and it is a new beginning of different tasks from the past. Relatively speaking, they are not very familiar with this mission, including the understanding of combat power, the grasp of the terrain, the coordination of basic tactics, etc. However, everything can be explored and familiarized slowly.

At this time, the voice of the headquarters suddenly came to Liu Zheng's ear: Liu Zheng, the air support force we sent to, has now arrived and has now arrived. These reinforcements are supported by airborne troops, mainly including five medical soldiers and 18 special forces. Please be ready to receive it.

"Hahahaha, little sister Mei Ting, little sister Mei Ting, sent a message from the headquarters that our reinforcements have finally arrived! Our reinforcements have finally arrived!" Liu Zheng said to Mei Ting excitedly. After hearing this, Mei Ting was naturally quite happy. She jumped up and looked almost happy to dance: Great, great! Now, our task is not so difficult to complete. With the support of the headquarters, we really have a bottom shell in our hearts.

Soon after, a roar came from the sky. Then, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting saw that the large mecha transport plane flew through the air where their troops were located. Soon, the sky was full of dense umbrella flowers. Of course, Liu Zheng knew that was the infantry strength that the headquarters reinforced them. Fortunately, at this time, there is no enemy's air defense firepower here, otherwise, those reinforcements to their infantry, or those airborne troops, will suffer heavy losses.

Half a minute later, Liu Zheng saw that most of the 70 to 80 reinforced airborne troops landed safely. Only a small part fell into the sea. However, most of those people are special forces. In fact, they can't drown them in the fallen sea. However, on that high platform, especially where the mobilized soldiers of the enemy are standing. At this time, they are taking advantage of their condescending advantage and starting to attack those reinforcements of Liu Zheng who have just landed on the ground.

Yes, Liu Zheng saw that the terrain currently appearing in front of him, that is, the terrain that his reinforcement and landed on the ground, is actually an island. Surrounded by the sea. There was a raised mountain above, and the enemy's mobilizers stood on the raised mountain. In addition, just below the raised mountain, there is an enemy cannon. At this time, the huge cannon, the whole buzz camp, turned her huge turret. Prepare to launch an attack on Liu Zheng's reinforcement force.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very anxious. Yes, you know, that kind of enemy cannon is not a joke. Each shot may cause at least three to four of their special forces to be killed. And that kind of Internet access, especially in the current situation, is really unbearable for Liu Zheng. As for the mobilized soldiers of the enemy on the mountains, there was no such threat to Commissar Liu. At best, keep your special forces away from them.

So, Liu Zheng took two measures. The first step is to select seven of his special forces soldiers who have just landed on the ground, and then rush straight to the enemy's cannon on the mountain. Yes, for Liu Zheng's special forces, since the cannon is their biggest threat, naturally, the cannon should be killed first. And the powerful attack composed of seven special forces fighters should not be a big problem to complete this task.

At this time, I saw that the seven special forces soldiers were agile and moved quickly, and they knew at a glance that they belonged to the well-trained force. When they rushed forward, they covered each other, flashed, crawled, or rushed forward with their waists, or crawled close to the ground. In short, their movements were 10 points standardized, and they knew at a glance that they were elite soldiers who had been on the battlefield.

Finally, the special team members of Qingming and Liu Zheng have rushed more than half of the distance. At this time, the enemy's cannon finally opened fire. Boom-" With the deafening sound of firing, Liu Zheng saw that the huge cannon in the base trembled all over, and then a stone shell shot out of the hole, crossed a smooth curve, and then hit Liu Zheng's seven special forces soldiers who were rushing forward fiercely. Above the head. Coaxing - finally,

The shell exploded. Even if Liu Zheng's special forces soldiers were the most agile, how could flesh and blood withstand the attack of steel? In this way, in Liu Zheng's helpless eyes, the seven special forces soldiers were blown into the sky by three, and then fell from the sky with the sand and dust rising from the sky. They didn't even make a scream, so they were blown up like flesh and blood.

Damn cannon! Liu Zheng couldn't help clenching his teeth. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the remaining three of his special forces soldiers were still moving forward, stepping on the comrades-in-arms' blood stains, and continuing to rush towards the enemy's cannon. Finally, one of the special forces soldiers, at this time, was less than 10 meters away from an enemy cannon, suddenly came to roll on the spot, yes. That kind of standard 18 rolls on the spot and then 10 points agile, 10 points sharp action to the side of an enemy's cannon. Then a carp jumped up and placed a bomb on the enemy's cannon. Then, Liu Zheng's special forces soldier, who planted the bomb, rolled on the spot again and quickly left the cannon.

A second later, Liu Zheng saw that although a deafening explosion suddenly sounded and exploded at the foot of the mountain forest. And the enemy's huge cannon, at that moment, was suddenly blown into countless wreckage and fragments, rising and scattered in the sky. Many of the countless wrecks and fragments fell into the sea, stirring up snow-white waves.

Hahahaha, after seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order to once again order his other special diseases to eliminate several other enemy mobilized soldiers on the island. However, on that mountain, there are still five enemy mobilized soldiers. At this time, he was still attacking some of the special forces members of Liu Zheng, who were superfluous. However, because they stand on the mountain, and the mountain is full of cliffs on all sides, there is no way to climb up. Although the mobilized soldiers of the enemy do not have much attack ability, but then again, after all, the side of the bed does not allow others to sleep. This island, according to the information sent by the headquarters, Liu Zheng knows that it may also be the place where he will build a base in the future, so in any case, the enemy's combat power can no longer be left on this island. The combat strength. Otherwise, how can you feel at ease?

But what method should I use to eliminate several mobilized soldiers of the enemy on that mountain? Although their own special forces soldiers who came down from the air have quite strong combat ability, after all, they can't fly over walls, such high mountains and steep cliffs, and they really can't go up. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up! Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting happily.

Yes, Liu Zheng also forgot that his Return Line-class warship moored on the sea has a very good long-range attack ability. Liu Zheng knows that his kind of regression-class warship has these two completely different long-range attack capabilities. One is to send a helicopter to attack, which can launch powerful air-to-air missiles. And the flight distance is also quite far. It is very suitable for long-range strikes.

Another way to attack is the gun attack of the Return Line-class warship. Yes, it's their kind of naval attack. You know, now that the level of the Tropic-class warship has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Under this Samsung elite level, the attack distance of that kind of naval gun is quite far, and its lethality is also quite amazing. It's really ridiculous that I didn't expect such a mobile weapon to swim here. Liu Zheng smiled bitterly and patted his head. First, he was very dissatisfied with his current state.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his return line-class warship, which was still moored on the sea, which had been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level return line-class warship, began to sail from this island in the deep sea. Finally, five seconds later, Liu Zheng saw that he had become the three-star elite-level regression-class warship and finally entered his range. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack of the three-star elite-level regression-class warship on the enemy's mobilized soldiers on the mountains above the island finally began.

It should be said that Liu Zheng still valued this attack on his Tropic-class warship. Because, anyway, this is the first time for me to use a regression-class warship in such a series of missions. Moreover, it is the first regular battle carried out on a relatively large scale in this series of tasks. Therefore, it is normal for Liu Zheng to attach great importance to this. With the continuous sound of gunfire, shells shot out one after another. Moreover, Liu Zheng had already seen very clearly that four shells shot out in one attack! The shells crossed the sky, and it looked like hail. However, it is obvious that although the gunfire attack of this kind of warship has a long range and the amount of bombs is also very dense, it does lack accuracy. Despite this, it is simply a very simple thing to deal with the enemy's kind of infantry fighting power.

"baked-" In this way, under the bombarding of the rain-like cannons of his own return-class warship, the mobilized soldiers of the enemy on the mountain quickly submerged in the explosion fog of the sky, and some bombed remnants came. Broken arms and fragments of blood-stained clothes fell into the sea from the air.

In this way, finally, the mobilized soldiers of the enemy on the mountain were finally killed by Liu Zheng's return-class warship and the cannon of Liu Zheng's three-star elite return-class battleship. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that it was not far from his return-class warship. In the seemingly dark sea, thunder, wrapped in snow-white waves, attacked Liu Zheng's three-star elite return-class warship. .

coaxed, coaxed, as the * bullets hit the target, a dull explosion came from the water, and at the same time, a wave of explosion also rose to the sky. Fortunately, Liu Zheng's three-star elite-level return line-class warship has a fairly good defense ability. His health value is indeed quite high. In the face of such a dense * bomb attack by the enemy, his health value is still strong.

However, Liu Zheng knew that his return-class warship did not have that kind of anti-submarine ability. In the face of the enemy's submarine attack, the guy was really powerless. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng had to temporarily lead his return-class warship and withdraw to a safe area. And the task of dealing with the enemy's submarines should be entrusted to some of their own special forces. However, Liu Zheng is actually not sure whether he can find the submarine and blow it up. However, I can only try it myself.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, three special operations force soldiers rushed to the seaside in a hurry, and then jumped high. A standard dryland pulling action made them turn into the air long ago, and then jumped into the sea like divers. Go to the water. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the three commandos were swimming freely in the sea like whales, towards the strange sea.

However, what made Liu Zheng feel a little helpless is that after a long time, he didn't find out where the enemy's submarine was. After seeing this, Liu Zheng saw it in his heart. It seems that his commando, his special forces, do not seem to have the ability to anti-submarine. Otherwise, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's submarines were nearby, and as the commandos entered the water, they should be able to easily be found.

However, so far, the three of his commandos are still looking for it, but they still haven't found any trace of the enemy submarine. Since then, it has obviously shown a very obvious problem: that is, their own commandos do not have anti-submarine ability at all. This has come to a conclusion. In this case, naturally, Liu Zheng will not waste any more time here. So, with Liu Zheng's order, his three commandos turned around and began to swim towards the coast.

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that when the three commandos he ordered him began to swim from the sea to the shore, suddenly, with a swimping sound, Liu Zheng knew that this was clearly the sound of submarine launch. Broken, his three commandos were attacked by enemy submarines. Liu Zheng said that his guess was very correct. At this time, when his three commandos had not found the hiding place of the enemy's submarine for a long time, when they returned without success, the enemy's submarine began to attack them.