Star Trek

Chapter 296 Who Fights 7

Now, Liu Zheng knows the order of the headquarters and prepares Liu Zheng for a new type of war - missile battle. Before that, in some of the operations experienced by Liu Zheng, missiles were actually a common combat unit. However, according to the headquarters, the previous missiles were generally limited to the following types: one is the V4 missile launch vehicle. The distance and range that this missile attack weapon can attack is not very large, and its lethality and destructive power are also limited.

Therefore, generally speaking, this V4 missile launch vehicle can only be used as an auxiliary combat unit. Moreover, the missiles it launches, specifically large thrust rockets, are generally easy to be destroyed by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. Therefore, in actual combat, this V4 missile launcher does not pose much threat.

Anthe other is anti-aircraft missiles. The most common type of anti-aircraft missile is the Patriot anti-aircraft missile. This kind of anti-aircraft missile is different from the missile launched by the above-mentioned V4 missile launch vehicle. The biggest difference is that the missile launched by the V4 missile launcher does not have high-precision guidance capability. Yes, that is to say, the missiles launched by the V4 missile launcher can only attack those fixed targets. Generally speaking, it can only attack those fixed military facilities.

And for those movable targets, the V4 missile launcher has nothing to do. The reason is very simple, because the large thrust rocket launched by the V4 missile launcher does not have guidance capability. Once the target position changes, the large thrust rocket launched by the V4 missile launcher will be powerless. They can only attack a fixed target. And this is also the biggest limitation of this V4 missile launcher.

Relatively speaking, that kind of patriot missile has strong guidance ability, so that kind of patriot missile, the guard attack the enemy's fighter, and begin to attack the enemy's missiles, which is relatively easy. It seems to be easy. As long as they have a sufficient number of Patriot missiles, they can shoot down any kind of air strike target. Or simply destroy it in the air.

Yes, as mentioned above, these are the missile combat units used in previous operations. However, Liu Zheng now knows that with the upgrading of the system, the combat power of missiles has become an indispensable combat unit in combat now. It can even be said that in a sense, the current war between players is mainly a missile war. The mystery has better missiles, and whoever is better at using missiles means who will win the war. Who will take the initiative on the battlefield?


The battle was quite brutal. Liu Zheng found that five minutes after the battle began, two players' bases had been destroyed. The cruelty of this war can be seen from this. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help breathing cold air. Shit, damn it! It seems that you must take 120 points of caution and effort to carry out such a war. Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't know how to die. This is too powerful.

So far, Liu Zheng has seen that his construction speed is still acceptable. Some of the most basic military facilities, such as barracks, chariot factories, airports, combat laboratories, and ore refinement factories, have been built. Moreover, in order to prevent enemy air attacks, Liu Zheng has built five anti-aircraft guns. According to the information, Liu Zheng already knows that in the world of such missiles, every base has quite good anti-aircraft missiles. Yes, it's the professional anti-aircraft missile. It is said that there are short-range anti-aircraft missiles and medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missiles. Moreover, it is said that that missile is very accurate and quite fast, which should be said to be the core force of air defense operations. However, Liu Zheng also knows that it may take some time to achieve it by himself. After all, it is still in the initial stage of the base, and there are still many military facilities that have not been built by themselves. Therefore, in fact, I don't have the current anti-aircraft missile production capacity. Therefore, in this case, it is naturally necessary to build more anti-aircraft guns.

Liu Zheng saw that in this war, the amount of production and construction funds given to each player by the system was still considerable. It's about 40,000 to 50,000. And such a large amount of production and construction funds should be supported for every player for a long time. However, Liu Zheng knew that this would be a protracted war. Since there is only war, then naturally, a considerable amount of production and construction funds will be consumed, otherwise, it will not last until the last minute. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng still built an extra ore refinement factory. Yes, there is a way to be prepared, and that's what it should be said.

At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that there was actually a technology drilling oil well around his base. In this case, if you don't occupy it, God won't let you go. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng hurriedly trained several engineers to beat the apocalypse to occupy the technology drilling well. In this way, there will be another source of funds for the production and construction of his base, which naturally makes Liu Zheng very happy and more secure.

However, Liu Zheng knows that he has not been attacked by the enemy so far. Therefore, we should make full use of this precious peace time, quickly carry out the construction of our own base, pay close attention to economic development, pay close attention to the production of combat power, and make full preparations for the upcoming battle.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that at this time, the other players are playing very well. Like, because their base is closer, naturally, military friction will inevitably occur. As the ancients said, they attacked from afar. That's the truth. Yes, that's true. In terms of spatial distance, if they are far apart, then naturally, because it is difficult to pose any threat to each other, there will not be so much suspicion between them.

In this way, there will be less possibility of meeting each other. Moreover, it is often because everyone, every player, wants to get the support of others when they go to war with their opponents, at least they want others to remain neutral. In this way, the bases of players who are far away from their own space are generally easy to become their own friends and have more friendly relationships with each other. For the same support, the same understanding, and the same kindness to each other.

launch, in the face of players who are very close to themselves in space distance, you can't but hide your mind. Be on guard against each other all the time. Yes, due to the suspicion of separation, it is true that the other party may launch an attack on his base at any time. In this way, in many cases, both sides will have millions of soldiers at the border. This is the so-called distant and close attack. This truth is actually 10 points simple. Not only in ancient times, even in modern times and even in the future, this principle will not change. Yes, that's true.

It is also for this reason that Liu Zheng saw that the bases of other players are too close to each other, so they have been filled with smoke and the flames of war, killing them to death, regardless of victory or defeat. The earth was shaking for a while. Liu Zheng knew that every initiative was actually the cause of the nuclear bomb explosion. In this era, a player's base has the ability to attack a long-range nuclear bomb. So, in this case, if you blow up the other party with a nuclear bomb, then the other party will destroy you with a nuclear bomb. In this way, this is an era when you either die or me. This is really a bloody war. This kind of war is really cruel, too bloody and too ruthless.

But Fortunately, Liu Zheng has been prepared for such a long time, and more importantly, he has been prepared for such a psychological preparation. Therefore, in the face of the shaking of the earth, Liu Zheng is just constantly warning himself: Hurry up, hurry up, if you can't produce intercontinental nuclear missiles in time, then when they are almost done, it's time for yourself. Therefore, you must master the long-range nuclear missile attack technology as soon as possible, and then launch attacks on those targets that are most threatening to you. Try to extinguish the enemy's nuclear bomb before you are attacked by a nuclear bomb. This is the only way to survive.

Liu Zheng has always had a habit of building his own base and likes to go around his base twice. In this way, you can know the relevant situation around your base in time. And this is very helpful for the construction of your own base and the production of combat power, especially for your command and operations, and for you to consider your own strategic and tactical issues from a global perspective. Yes, that's true. It can be said that Liu Zheng has accumulated rich experience in this field. At the same time, it has also formed a very good habit.

Objectively speaking, Liu Zheng's habit is still very good. Only in this way can you really understand the situation around your base. In many cases, in many cases, many correct strategies and tactics are actually made according to the terrain at that time and the specific location of your base. In addition, according to past experience, there are often unexpected discoveries when conducting this kind of inspection around the base. Moreover, some discoveries clearly give themselves a big surprise. Having a hobby is really a very big surprise. Therefore, Liu Zheng has always maintained such a habit, that is, when his base is just built, even if the base construction is very busy, he will try his best to find time to understand the situation around his base thoroughly, understand clearly and analyze it clearly. Clear.

Now, Liu Zheng is leading some of the combat power given to himself by the system, mainly including five Type 96 main battle tanks, starting from the central position of his base and turning around his base in a counterclockwise direction. Liu Zheng still thinks highly of his Type 96 main battle tank. Although the cost of this Type 96 main battle tank is not very high, as a melee main battle tank, its role cannot be underestimated. In particular, once some of the enemy's melee combat power, including some infantry combat power, rushes into its own base, then some of its long-range attack missiles are basically useless.

Or, at this time, I should no longer use the medium-range attack missile to attack the target. The reason is very simple, that is, that is, some of the enemy's attack forces have rushed into their own base, together with their own combat strength and the military in their own bases. In this case, if they continue to attack with that kind of long-range missiles, then together with their own side The combat power and some military facilities in your base will be fiercely attacked. In that case, your own losses will be great. Therefore, in this situation, my own Type 96 main battle tank will play its due role. Whether it is the enemy's chariot or the enemy's infantry fighting power, they will be more or less scared in the face of their own Type 96 main battle tank.

In this way, Liu Zheng turned against the five 96 main battle tanks from the central position of his base and turned his own base in a counterclockwise direction. Soon after, the five Type 96 main battle tanks had arrived at the edge of their base - the beach. Yes, on the west side of my base, there is an endless ocean. The other side of the sea is another continent. Above, there are at least three to four players' bases. However, Liu Zheng knew that because his bases were separated by a wide ocean from each other, there was no interest entanglement between them at that time, and there was not much prevention, so naturally there would not be much hostility. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng has actually regarded the sea on the west side of his base as a barrier to his base. Therefore, Liu Zheng did not deploy any defensive force on this beach at all.

Continue to lead the five Type 96 main battle tanks and continue to walk in a counterclockwise direction. The rustling sound of the chariot as it was marching sounded exciting. It is a sound that makes people's blood boil, it is a sound that sounds warlike, it is a sound that makes people full of infinite longing and yearning for gunpowder smoke and war.

Soon after, Liu Zheng suddenly found that a military facility was built on the beach in front of him. However, it seems that a military facility has not been occupied by anyone. Moreover, according to my own experience, this military facility should have a very important value and role. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. Wow, this time, I got rich. I have made a fortune. Yes, as a professional player, it should be said that Liu Zheng's vision is still very vicious. He knew that the implementation of this one was indeed of considerable value. Sure enough, as Liu Zheng led the five Type 96 main battle tanks to approach the military facility, he took a closer look, wow, that's true! It turned out that the military facility, which was considered by Liu Zheng to have considerable military value, was originally called the Tianyan spy satellite. Liu Zheng knows that through this kind of spy satellite, he can clearly see the whole situation on the whole map. Including the topography and landforms of various places, and even the changes of the apocalypse, the specific situation of an enemy base, the construction of their military facilities, the production of their bases, etc. Through this Tianyan spy satellite, you can have a clear view. A panoramic view.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng urgently ordered one of his engineers to rush to the sky-eye spy satellite from the center of his base. Soon after, as one of his engineers successfully entered the sky-eye spy satellite, Liu Zheng suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment in front of his eyes. All the topography on the whole map, as well as other players' military facilities, as other military buildings built, and various All kinds of combat units are presented in front of their own eyes. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help clapping his hands and shouting: Wow, that's great, this is simply great!

However, such a peaceful time did not last long. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that several enemy fighters flew by from the east of his base. Then, one by one, air-air missiles dragged the orange tail flame and roared. He accurately hit the target - an ore refinement factory in his own base. Liu Zheng clearly saw that with an air-to-air missile hitting his ore refinement factory, he saw that his ore refinement factory was suddenly blown up by more than 70% of his health. A dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. Soon, the military facilities that Yu Ji paid attention to in her ore refinement factory were shrouded in smoke. Liu Zheng clearly saw that with an air-to-air missile hitting his ore refinement factory, he saw that his ore refinement factory was suddenly blown up by more than 70% of his health. A dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. Soon, the military facilities that Yu Ji paid attention to in her ore refinement factory were shrouded in smoke.