yu feng xing

Chapter 4: Guilty

Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, is still full of snow and land, and there is a vast white everywhere. Although the sky has already stopped falling snow and frost, the low walls are still covered with a thick layer of white snow, so white and flawless. Looking at it, it can actually make people feel peace in their hearts. Maybe it is the effect of excessive concentration.

Jiang Shengtian held a thick coat and looked straight at the snow building a high wall on the wall. The scenery of Liuxinyuan has not changed except for this extra snow.

Ding Yu came out of the opposite room and saw Jiang Shengtian in the garden. Looking up at the lonely back, there was an unspeakable depression. Thinking of Chen Rufeng, who was already in Tianzhu and didn't know what the current situation is, he could only sigh secretly. In the room opposite him, the door was open and the cold wind entered the house. Jiang Shengtian didn't care.

After all, Ding Yu and Jiang Shengtian live in the same garden. Sometimes when they meet, it is inevitable to be embarrassed without talking about a word or two. But Ding Yu has always taken the initiative, while Jiang Shengtian answered one or two sentences without soul. Sometimes, Ding Yu can't guess what Jiang Shengtian is thinking. Is he worried about Chen Rufeng's safety? Are you worried about your unknown fate? Or is it because you have been trapped in this prime minister's office for too long, and your heart is depressed?

And Jiang Shengtian in the garden, even himself, does not know where the depression in his heart comes from.

Maybe there are too many miscellaneous things that annoy him. If he can, he will sneak out of the prime minister's house, but he is still worried about the experience of stealing out of the prime minister's mansion last time. In addition, the emperor's royal order is to ask him to stay in the prime minister's mansion and can't go anywhere. If he sneaks out of the prime minister's mansion and is found, isn't it the past to bully the king?

However, what is hidden in the deepest part is a kind of confusion about what you have done all the way.

Sometimes, he will also feel that he is impathetic, only cares about clearing his grievances, and even to the extent of unscrupulous means. Zhao Fengzhang and In case of return, he still felt guilty and conscience scolded.

He has tried his best to avoid thinking. He keeps avoiding his selfish, sinister and vicious image, and seems to gradually occupy his body.

"This is not who I am!" Jiang Shengtian shouted silently. In the endless sky, there was nothing to respond to him. It was so silent that only a snow cloud floated by.

Therefore, his heart has been intertwined in this kind of worry, contradiction and guilt, wrestling with pain, and naturally all kinds of sorrows are insoluble.

Perhaps, when Chen Rufeng comes back, all his troubles will be solved. The two of them no longer have to live those dark lives. At that time, they may find some small businesses to do, or join a well-known gang to make a reputation. And the ambition of building a gang that they once imagined happily a long time ago may still stay farther away than the sky.

When he came to his senses, a man stepped into the Liuxin Garden. Ding Yu and Jiang Shengtian's eyes stared at the arrival at the same time. This person was a familiar person.

Tian Yishan, with a faint smile, nodded slightly to say hello to Ding Yu, and then walked straight to Jiang Shengtian. Jiang Shengtian narrowed his eyes and looked at the unpredictable expression on Tian Yishan's face.

"Jiang Shaoxia, please go to the east wing study." Tian Yishan is a little respectful.

Jiang Shengtian was shocked. First, he was not used to the name "Young Man". In any case, he couldn't figure out how he could get along with these two words. It seemed that he had done more things that were contrary to the word "Chivalrous". Thinking of this, he felt even more guilty.

Since Li Linfu called him over, it must not be a righteous matter, but it is not easy to refuse, so he had to say to Tian Yishan, "I'll go now."

Tian Yishan said respectfully, "That little man left first."

Ding Yu and Jiang Shengtian both watched Tian Yishan's back leave. Ding Yu looked at the hesitant expression on Jiang Shengtian's face and thought about why Li Linfu suddenly wanted to summon him. These days, Jiang Shengtian has been staying in Liuxinyuan, going the farthest out of the west wing, and nothing special happened.

Jiang Shengtian finally took a step and walked out of the garden gate.

In the east wing, Jiang Shengtian has only been here once before. The curling sound of the piano seems to be in the ear on the side, but where is the man?

In the corridor of the east wing, the maidservants still stood respectfully. Jiang Shengtian walked here and couldn't help but feel superior, and his footsteps involuntarily walked more domineeringly.

Walking to the edge corridor of the pond, I saw a figure in the central pavilion, dancing like white snow, staring at the endless places in the east. His eyes were crazy, and the white fox fur shawl wrapped around her body, like silk hair, fluttering slightly in the cold wind.

"Li Yinru..." Jiang Shengtian's eyes fell on her, as if she had been nailed and could no longer move away.

Sister Ping, standing next to Li Yinru, had sharp eyes. She suddenly noticed Jiang Shengtian's intoxicated eyes and stared at him fiercely, but Jiang Shengtian did not notice, and her eyes still stayed on Li Yinru's fairy-like figure, intoxicated. Sister Ping seemed to be unable to stand Jiang Shengtian's eyes blaspheming her young lady so much, and quickly whispered, "Miss... There is someone there who can't take his eyes off you..."

Li Yinru looked into the corridor and looked at each other, but she was frightened and smiled indifferently.

Jiang Shengtian looked at her, as if he had been led to soar in the sky, and a trace of cold wind roared past her. He quickly moved his eyes away and blushed a lot.

Li Yinru smiled and gently covered her mouth with her slender fingers. Every action was so delicate, like a fairy being embarrassed by mortals on the ground, which was extremely touching.

Jiang Shengtian hurriedly continued to walk forward, and his footsteps also accelerated, and his whole body was hot. This time, it was Li Yinru's turn to look at him and ask Sister Ping, "Sister Ping, he is Jiang Shengtian who sneaked in here to listen to the piano with... last time, right?"

After all, Sister Ping is Miss Li's personal servant. She is still clear about some of the situation in the house. She nodded, and then added: "He is now banned by the emperor and can't leave the prime minister's house. After Chen Rufeng comes back, the shocking tribute robbery can be made."

Hearing the three words Chen Rufeng, Li Yinru sighed again. She knew about the two people for a long time. Now she only knows that Chen Rufeng is in Tianzhu, and she doesn't know whether he is doing well?

I hope the people in the east will return safely.

Li Yinru's hands became pious, silently lowered her head, closed her eyes, and gently squeezed her lips. Sister Ping looked at everything in her eyes and could only shake her head.

The wind was so sharp that even the earth trembling.

Jiang Shengtian passed through a wing room and finally came to the study of the prime minister's mansion. There were two candles shaking through the window. In this winter when the sun was almost dim, the closed study also needed to light up candlelight to see things clearly.

He did not immediately push the door in, but stood in front of the door, thinking about how to speak and what kind of expression on his face. In case Li Linfu asked him to do something harmful, how could he refuse Yunyun?

Just as he was thinking uneasily, the door of the study suddenly opened and came out. Jiang Shengtian was shocked. The person who came out was Jin Yilai, and his face was as plain as water. However, when he saw Jiang Shengtian, his eyes suddenly fluctuated, and his eyes fell on Jiang Shengtian's face and did not leave half an inch.

Facing Jin Yilai's strange eyes, Jiang Shengtian's already frightened heart was even more confused. Fortunately, he was familiar with Jin Yilai and asked, "What's wrong?"

In Jin Yilai's eyes, there was a completely elusive light. He looked at Jiang Shengtian, as if he was sorry, blamed, and more helpless.

Even his tone of speech could not be stable.

"Just yesterday, Zhao Fengzhang, the governor of Xianning, was killed by the imperial history platform with demonic words!"

In the sky, it seemed to be a thunder, penetrating down and falling on Jiang Shengtian, destroying his mind and making him stop thinking.

His whole body couldn't help trembling, his mouth opened in astonishment, and all the divine light in his eyes seemed to have been drawn away. He stared straight ahead. His soul floated outside the clouds and could never come back.

Maybe it's better not to come back, just let him stand here like a stone statue forever and have no thoughts.

Jin Yilai left with his sleeves and never looked at Jiang Shengtian again.

"I'm the murderer... I'm the murderer..." A ferocious voice in Jiang Shengtian's mind kept echoing, stimulating his mind. He only felt that the top of his head was buzzing, and there was a violent dizziness. His body leaned forward slightly, and then he came back, gasped and looked up. The door of the study in front of me opened.

He still walked in and tried his best to stabilize his pace.

When the door was closed, there were two people sitting in the room. There was a bookcase in the room, and there were two wooden chairs on each side of the pillars. Li Linfu sat behind the bookcase, and another white-haired old man stood leisurely on the chair with his eyes closed, as if he did not intend to participate in the conversation between Jiang Shengtian and Li Linfu.

"Your Excellency." Jiang Shengtian saluted. Li Linfu nodded slightly and motioned him to sit down, so Jiang Shengtian chose a wooden chair far away from the bookcase, sat down and made a pair of corners with the old man in gray robe.

"Sungtian, I called you this time to tell you good news." Li Linfu smiled and said that Jiang Shengtian's body stiffened and expected what Li Linfu would say next.

"Zhao Fengzhang, the governor of Xianning, was ambush yesterday because of demon words." Li Linfu said meaningfully that although Jiang Shengtian had learned the news, Li Linfu said it at this moment, and his heart couldn't help but be shocked.

"Okay..." Jiang Shengtian stammed and couldn't find a suitable word in his heart. Li Linfu didn't seem to realize that his expression had changed. He continued, "You helped me before. Now that it's done, I will reward you. Just say, you What reward?"

Jiang Shengtian turned his eyes to the thick pillar, "Well... No need... The Prime Minister's kindness is in my heart..."

After Jiang Shengtian said this, the smile on Li Linfu's face suddenly disappeared. Jiang Shengtian also noticed his face and quickly added, "... In fact, I couldn't think of any reward at the next moment, so I said so..."

"Okay, I understand. When you figure out what reward you want, just tell me. The rewards and penalties are clear. I will not treat anyone who can help me with things." Li Linfu waved his hand and said. Jiang Shengtian suppressed his emotions and tried his best to squeeze out a fobed smile. The gray-robed old man who was still meditated silently seemed to be asleep.

"You step back first." Li Linfu said that this was exactly what Jiang Shengtian couldn't ask for. Jiang Shengtian hurriedly stepped back a few steps and walked out of the study.

The door of the study was closed. Although it was cold outside, it made Jiang Shengtian feel more comfortable, as if all the oppression had disappeared. He looked at the sky heavily and took a breath.

In the nine heavens, will there really be a heavenly man to see whether the behavior and karma of the people on the earth really have this matter? Will they be reduced to 18 layers of hell?

All these things are not what Jiang Shengtian is worried about. Only deep guilt boils out of his blood and regrets, but it is beyond the reach.

"Lord Zhao... I'm sorry..." Jiang Shengtian's eyes closed, and tears slowly oozed out.

In the study, Li Linfu held his cheek and thought for a moment, and then said to the old man in gray robe who seemed to be asleep: "Do you think Jin Yilai's temperament has changed a little after returning home?"

A silence echoed quietly under the two flickering candlelight.

For a long time, the old man in gray robe opened his eyes and said, "Probably something happened outside that reminded him of something. Do you think it has something to do with the teenager named Chen Rufeng?

Li Linfu smiled gently and said, "Is that man's influence so great that even the ordinary person can change for it?"

"That teenager..." The old man in gray robe seemed to remember something, and his eyes flashed with a trace of light. "It's not simple."

"I have seen this for a long time, so I left him in the prime minister's mansion and took pains to turn over the case for him. How can I know now... Alas, it depends on his own creation." Li Linfu said with a little regret, but there was no fear at all.

The old man in gray robe hummed with a smile, containing a trace of obscure disdain. On that day, the ghost house broke into the prime minister's mansion to search. Chen Rufeng was forced to hide behind his residence. Although he did not face Chen Rufeng, he had felt that the true spirit of the demon family in his body was extraordinary. If he could be pointed out, his martial arts skills were true. The cultivation will be unlimited.

But how could Li Linfu see this?

"I have to say that the Prime Minister is indeed very good at recruiting talents." There was no praise in the tone of the old man in gray robe. Li Linfu smiled and said, "It's not my turn to admit this aspect. If it weren't for me in the change of Baiyetang..."

Speaking of this, Li Linfu quickly stopped, but still smiled. The gray-robed old man's face changed slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he did not look at Li Linfu.

"Yes, without you, I'm afraid Ye Zhihang would never live in this world again." The tone of the old man in gray robe was a little choked.

"Unconsciously, it's been more than 30 years." I don't know who made such a speech in the deep study, and the tone was full of vicissitudes.