President, be careful of love

Chapter 24 Who is she

Since the style of the clothes is ten years ago, and Grandpa said that there are no girls in their family for several generations, this will obviously not be the clothes of the Lei girls. Who lived here ten years ago? Is it?

Obviously, Jingyi was shocked by her inner thoughts. If it was really Zhang Xinmeng as she thought, there would always be documents related to her name in the room, as if to confirm her thoughts. She pulled out the drawer of the dressing table, but did not expect that she was completely stunned, with a girl on it. The resume of the photo, the title is the resume registered by the art school, but the name column is filled in "Leilele." But just now grandpa clearly said that the Lei family has given birth to boys for several generations. How can there be girls? Who the hell is she? Why has no one mentioned it to themselves?

Stayed in the room with doubt for a while, afraid that others would find her coming in without permission. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she quietly retreated, pulled the door, and then continued to look for Lei Shaochen's room. Standing in the middle of the long corridor, Jingyi felt the inconvenience of the big house for the first time. Such an empty space always makes people unconsciously feel lonely, like the feeling of a hospital, as if there is an invisible space and invisible things that will take her away at any time when people are not paying attention... She couldn't help trembling. She knocked on the opposite door nervously, becoming more and more anxious, as if if the door didn't open, she would be in danger, and her body couldn't help shaking...

Lei Shaochen heard the knock on the door outside the door becoming more and more urgent, so he impatiently walked over and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, Jingyi immediately hugged him tightly like grabbing a life-saving straw. Feeling the trembling of her body, he gently took her into his arms. She dared not look up and continue to shiver and bury her head in his chest. Under his comfort, she finally calmed down.

Seeing that she was no longer as shudder and her face turned red, he took her hand and asked with concern, "What happened to you just now? Are you feeling uncomfortable again? Do you have a fever again?" After saying that, he put his hand on her forehead and tried, "No fever..." Lei Shaochen looked at her with a questioning look, hoping that she could tell herself the answer. How could she suddenly be like that just now? There are only him and his grandfather at home, as well as housekeeper Du and Aunt Chen, who cooks and cleans. Did Grandpa say something to make her afraid of this? However, Grandpa liked her very much and was willing to scare her. Butler Du was Grandpa's right-hand assistant for decades. Later, his wife died and his son went abroad to work, so he continued to stay here to help Grandpa deal with some things he could. As a housekeeper, in fact, it is more like a friend of grandpa. The two often plant flowers, play chess together, and occasionally go out to play together. It is because of his company that Grandpa is not so boring. As for Aunt Chen, who has worked in the Lei family for less than ten years. Her husband left her and her daughter to escape because of gambling debts. She never came back. Aunt Chen was warm-hearted. She treated him and her grandfather like a family. In Lei Shaochen's heart, she had already regarded her as half a grandmother. The year before last, her daughter got married and married from here, treating it as her mother's family. For Jingyi, the future granddaughter-in-law of the Lei family, they will definitely love her like her grandfather. So what on earth is she afraid of?

Jingyi looked at him with some helplessness and didn't know how to explain her feelings just now. She couldn't say her strange feelings. If so, she would probably be regarded as a psychopath. After stabilizing her mind, Jingyi thought that it would be better to keep silent about it before she thought of a better explanation.

But seeing that she didn't say anything, Lei Shaochen became more anxious. He put his hands on her shoulders, looked at her big deep eyes sincerely, and said, "Jinger, look at me, don't be afraid. Is someone bullying you? Tell me, I can help you deal with everything. Don't take care of everything alone, okay?

Seeing his serious look, Jingyi's heart was a little moved. He took a deep breath and pretended to look at him firmly and said, "No one bullied me. I just suddenly felt uncomfortable, so there was such a reaction. You don't have to worry about me. I'm really fine." After saying that, he broke away from his arms and deliberately opened his hands and turned around in front of him twice to prove how healthy and good his body was.

Lei Shaochen looked at her closely. The more she pretended to be strong, the more sour his heart became. Maybe in her heart, she was just an outsider. What kind of performance she just showed that she obviously didn't trust herself and refused to speak her mind, right?

But she obviously looks weak, but she still has to pretend to be strong in her expression. What kind of girl is she? At this moment, Lei Shaochen's heart had a trace of curiosity about her for the first time, and there was a desire to protect her well. He didn't want to see her eyes and pretending to be strong again, which was very depressed in his heart.

After turning around and stopping, Jingyi's head was a little dizzy and stood unstable. Her hands naturally turned around in the air. Shaochen quickly reached out to hold her. Naturally, she fell into his arms, and her smiling face turned red. She was a little reluctant to leave after smelling the good smell on him. How generous her chest is, how attached. If there were really a miracle in the world, she could have this wide area for a lifetime, how lucky and happy her life would be.

"Dong-dong, Dong-dong, Dong-dong." At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Jingyi hurriedly escaped from his arms. Lei Shaochen saw the expression of the little girl, and couldn't help bending the corners of her mouth. He tidyed up his clothes and walked to the small door. He opened the door and saw Butler Du standing outside the door.

"Uncle Du, what's the matter?" Lei Shaochen asked gently.

Uncle Du smiled and said, "Young master, madam, lunch is ready. I'll come up and tell you. If you have nothing to do, go down for dinner. Don't let Grandpa wait." After saying that, he looked into the room and looked a little embarrassed. Lei Shaochen did not explain and agreed.

"Ha ha, it's time for lunch. I'm so hungry. Let's go down quickly." After saying that, she was about to walk to the door. Lei Shaochen grabbed her and said frivolously, "It's so urgent that the hug just now is not enough."

As soon as he heard this, he seemed to be a ruffian gangster. Oh, no, it should be an old gangster. Jingyi couldn't help but feel a little hairy. She immediately began to beat the small drum in her heart and said with a smile, "Well, I just had a fever that hasn't completely recovered, and now my stomach is I'm so hungry." Speaking of this, he looked at him pitifully, and his eyes seemed to be full of grievances. Lei Shaochen was stunned and couldn't help but be distracted. He gently took her hand and walked downstairs according to her meaning.

The whole lunch was very pleasant. The table was full of her favorite dishes. Grandpa loved her very much and kept picking up vegetables for her with a smile. The small bowl in front of her was piled up like a hill of food and she almost couldn't eat, so she looked at Lei Shaochen next to her with a distressed face and threw it. The look of asking for help. But Lei Shaochen continued to pick up the rice in his bowl as if he hadn't seen it. Jingyi saw his flat but extremely handsome face. He had cursed him for a thousand times. After staring at him fiercely, he turned to flash her eyes, brazenly picked up the meat in his bowl and put it in his bowl. Finally, he said to him affectionately, "Shaochen, yesterday I sent Burn, thanks to your careful care, you didn't have a good rest in order to take care of me. Now you should eat more and make up for it. After saying that, he winked at him mischievously, proudly.

As soon as Lei Shaotang heard that she had a fever last night, he hurriedly asked, "Jingyi, why don't you tell Grandpa about your fever so that he can do something that suits your appetite? You girl, remember to tell Grandpa or Uncle Du in advance in the future, okay? Don't be polite to Grandpa, or Grandpa will be angry next time. Lei Shaotang paused and continued, "How are you doing now? Are you still uncomfortable?"

Hearing Grandpa's concerned tone, Jingyi quickly said, "The fever subsided after the injection last night, and I slept peacefully now. Moreover, with the careful care of Shaochen, the disease is getting better very quickly." When Shaotang saw that they had so much interaction and loved each other, he couldn't help secretly blooming with joy. He smiled and said, "All right, all right. Eat more quickly. Look at your skinny body."

I couldn't help sighing. It seemed that it was right for me to put them together. Originally, I thought that if Lei Shaochen did not agree to marry Jingyi, he would have to think of several ways. He didn't expect that things would go more smoothly than he expected!

Thinking of this, my mood became more and more cheerful, and my eyes burst into surprise sparks, and my whole body looked more energetic.

Later, Lei Shaochen talked with his grandfather about the situation of the American branch. Grandpa mentioned that Lei Yewei and Duan Yifei would come back a week before the wedding. Only then did Jingyi remember that she and her uncle and aunt only met once, but that side has made her have a good impression on both of them, unlike other rich families. Ting's parents are very strict or even strict with their daughter-in-law. On the contrary, they look amiable. Because they often live in the United States, their personalities are also very beautiful. When they get along with them, they have no pressure at all. Instead, they will feel that their mentality is very young and comfortable to get along with them, and the content of the conversation is relatively casual. If they don't know it. People still think they are friends.

Unexpectedly, he was a little envious, with such enlightened parents and spoiled grandfather. Poor her, there is only one father left...