President, be careful of love

Chapter 25 Who is she 2

After lunch, I played chess with my grandfather and others. I felt a little bored, so I ran to Lei Shaochen. I saw that he had been holding his notebook on another sofa since lunch and didn't know what to do, and occasionally made a few phone calls. So he quietly hid behind him, trying to secretly see what he was doing, but he didn't expect to be caught by him.

In fact, Lei Shaochen has been secretly observing her since lunch. Seeing that she has always been naturally not afraid as before, a hanging heart fell down. Just as he began to devote himself to his work, he found that she was secretly approaching and walked very carefully as if she was going to do something bad. He couldn't help laughing in his heart. This woman is so old and still looks like a child.

She put down the computer and turned around and grabbed her hand. Jingyi was shocked by his action. Just as she was about to shout, Lei Shaochen immediately made a boo to her and pointed upstairs. The two walked upstairs...

When passing the second room, that is, Lei Lele's room, Jingyi still couldn't stop having some strange feelings, but she was not afraid when Lei Shaochen accompanied her. The moment he entered the door, he looked back at the room and hurriedly followed Lei Shaochen into the room.

"What were you going to do just now?" Lei Shaochen couldn't help asking.

"Nothing, just want to see what you're doing."

"How can you sneak around? Don't you want to murder your own husband?" He couldn't help but want to tease her.

Jingyi pouted slightly and said, "No, and you are not my husband now!"

Looking at her uncompromising cute appearance, Lei Shaochen couldn't help but lose his mind and hugged her with a smile, "Not now, soon." After saying that, she began to imprison her tightly and began to fill the two soft pieces close to her hotly...

Under his gentle kiss, Jingyi couldn't help moaning. The body also began to tremble gently.

As if he deliberately teased her, he deliberately stopped his hand and said to her seductively, "Jinger, say you love me and say you want me to love you."

When Jingyi heard this sentence, she suddenly remembered what happened that night, but she couldn't say anything.

Seeing her tightly closed lips, Lei Shaochen suddenly smiled sexyly at her and said, "I'll let you say it." With that, she pulled up her dress more vigorously and removed the obstacles on her chest until her white body appeared in front of him without any obstacles. His attack made her more **. At the moment his hand gently slid in, she couldn't help wanting more all over, so she said, "I want ......”

But Lei Shaochen didn't seem to hear her words and said, "Say you love me, good boy, and I'll give it to you after that."

At such a juncture, Jingyi has no ability to think at all. With his words, she blurted out, "I love you."

Hearing her obediently say what she wanted to hear, Lei Shaochen couldn't help speeding up his hand...

The whole room is suddenly full of reverie...

Lying tiredly in his arms, Jingyi lowered her head shyly and played with his strong chest, hesitating to ask him about Lei Lele. Later, after hesitating for a while, I still summoned up the courage to ask, "Well, I don't know which room you are in just now, so I twisted the door opposite you and didn't expect to open it, and then I went in to have a look." Jingyi said while staring at Lei Shaochen's face. If he was unhappy, she planned to stop asking, but there was nothing different about Lei Shaochen at this point. Jingyi boldly continued to ask, "I saw the information in the drawer that her name is Lei Lele. Didn't Grandpa say that your family has been giving birth to boys for generations?" Finally asked all the words, Jingyi couldn't help but feel relieved.

Lei Shaochen didn't expect that she would enter Lei Lele's room, let alone that she would check it carefully. I wanted to interrupt her, but I thought that her scared expression might have something to do with it before, so I listened to it.

In fact, the Lei family has not had a daughter for several generations. But it doesn't mean that there are no girls in the Lei family. This past has been hidden by the Lei family for ten years and has never been known by outsiders.

Jingyi saw that he suddenly stopped and said, "Can you tell me that I will marry into the Lei family soon?"

"I didn't intend to hide it from you. Please listen to me carefully, but before I tell you, you have to let me hold it." Lei Shaochen was afraid that what he said would scare her later, so he prepared in advance. Jingyi thought he was going to take advantage of himself, so he stared at him dissatisfiedly and still obediently let him hold him.

When Lei Shaochen saw her holding her so obediently, she began to pull her memory to the past...

Le Lele is not actually a child of the Lei family. She is the adopted daughter of Big Bo Lei Yejian. The uncle and the aunt loved each other very much, but they had been married for several years and did not have a child. After the examination, they found that the aunt had a physical problem and could not get pregnant. At that time, both of them were very sad. In order not to hurt the uncle, the aunt filed for divorce, but the uncle resolutely disagreed and said that there was no child to get it. Of course, my aunt didn't agree, but there was no other way. Later, my uncle secretly went to the orphanage to bring Lei Lele back. When she first brought her back, she was only three years old and looked very watery. Because the Lei family did not have daughters for several generations, everyone loved her very much. As she grows older, she grows more and more beautiful, and her personality is surprisingly quiet and sweet. She never loses her temper with people, and is also very filial to her uncle and aunt. Just when everyone thinks that such a clever and beautiful girl must be blessed, her temper suddenly becomes so strange and incompretable. The things in my heart are shouting, and my mental state is on the verge of collapse.

When everyone was at a loss, Grandpa suggested taking her to the doctor, saying that such a sudden mutation of personality must have been stimulated by something. The doctor saw no less than ten. He had used all the methods that should be used, but he did not find any problems. Only one doctor heard her say that when he hypnotized her. A very strange sentence, "You bad woman, stay away from me."

Later, her situation was good and sometimes bad. One day, my uncle and uncle heard that there was someone in the next city who could cure this disease, so they drove to look for it. As a result, they had a car accident on the way and died. After learning the news, Lei Lele didn't eat or drink and locked himself in his room all day. Later, he seemed to suddenly figure it out and returned to normal. He also planned to apply for an art department for further study. As a result, when everyone thought that she had finally returned to normal, she left the Lei family with her luggage with only a letter and never appeared again.

Grandpa and Dad sent people to investigate secretly in the first few years, but the whole person seemed to disappear out of thin air. There was no trace of her leaving the country, nor did they find any accident she encountered. There was no information about her orphanage before she went back.

In fact, everyone knows that she either deliberately hid or left the Lei family, or she had already encountered something wrong, but Grandpa still believed that she would come back one day, so her room has been kept for her.

After speaking, Lei Shaochen looked at her in her arms and listened attentively to the story. Suddenly, she was distracted. Her quiet appearance was so quiet, which made people feel extremely happy...

When she found that he had finished speaking, she couldn't help asking, "What happened later?" There has been no news of her since then, and it has been the same until now.

"But how can a person disappear out of thin air?" Jingyi couldn't help asking questions in her heart, "Also, who is the bad woman? Have you checked it?"

"We also think it's strange that no matter how much a person hides, he can't avoid the network of the Lei family, but in fact it's like this. I haven't doubted the bad woman you mentioned, but at that time she only said that. The doctor said that it may be something in memory, or maybe it's an image in her mind. Maybe it has nothing to do with her at all."

"Well, you're right, so do you know who she has ever contacted? And what exactly did her letter say? Jingyi now looks like a little detective, and she is unwilling to deal with it when things are not solved.

"I have investigated everything since she first arrived at the orphanage. She has always been a very clever girl, and most of the people she comes into contact with are familiar to us. As for the letter, I have also read it. There is no important mention above. She only said that she is sorry for everyone's love for her. Because of her dream, she wants to leave this place and go around the world. He also told everyone not to look for her, and she would come back after thinking about it. However, strangely, she added another sentence at the signature, thank you for your care and love for me. Lele didn't repay me, so I had to leave the best wishes to you. Such a sentence seemed to say goodbye forever. In fact, at first, everyone thought that she couldn't stand the blow of their death and had to go out for a walk. It was not until a year had received any information from her that she realized the strangeness.

Hearing this, Jingyi felt that things were far from simple. She seemed to know the end, but she couldn't tell everyone that she was seriously ill? Soon after her death, but even so, someone will always find her body after her death.

Lei Shaochen and Jingyi fell into meditation at the same time.