President, be careful of love

Chapter 39 The Perfect Wedding Dress 1

Sleeping until midnight, Jingyi woke up from the pain of her arm and felt particularly uncomfortable. She couldn't wait to cut off her arm and was tortured by the pain that she couldn't sleep, so she turned around repeatedly in **. At this moment, she couldn't help but miss the days when she lived with Xiaoyan. If she couldn't sleep at night, she could run to Xiaoyan's ** to wake her up. The latter two watched a movie and chatted to kill this empty and boring insomnia time... But now, there is only her and him at home. Is it possible to go and find him? What would happen if the quarrel between the two people during the day did not end with a dislocation of her arm? An arrogant and selfish person like him is the biggest torment for him, but he doesn't know how long he can hold on? Maybe one day, she hurt not only her cheeks, not only her arms, but also what she can't afford to hurt. At that time, should she leave decisively?

After thinking for a while, the senior suddenly came to my mind. Today, I invited him here, but I didn't expect that because of Lei Shaochen's appearance, the senior would be in such an embarrassing situation. Why don't you send a text message to apologize to the senior? In this way, I took out my mobile phone to edit the text message: "Scho, I'm sorry about today!" Press the send button and send a short message.

I didn't expect to receive a reply from the senior in a few minutes: "It's okay. We are good friends. How can good friends mind these small things? Don't worry. Why don't you stay up so late?" In fact, Zhang Ziwen finally typed the three words "good friend". Since she is about to get married, all he can do now is to complete it.

Jingyi couldn't help but feel a little more guilty when she saw that the senior was so generous. Immediately press your finger to reply, "Schore is so good! I can't sleep tonight. I can't sleep. How about you? Isn't it also insomnia? Ha, is the whole world suffering from insomnia tonight?

"Maybe, haha, little girl, go to bed quickly, or you will become an ugly woman invincible in the eyes of a panda tomorrow..."

"Well, in order to change the panda's eyes, I'll quickly count the sheep!" After sending the text message, Jingyi began to look at the ceiling and count the sheep.

"Stupid, I can't sleep counting sheep. It's better to count RMB!"

"Ye, that's a good idea, but I have too little RMB, and I'll count it soon."

"Then you can fall asleep quickly. Good night." After sending the last text message, Zhang Ziwen turned off his mobile phone. I'm afraid that if I continue to talk to her, I will fall into the trap I set up and can't extricate myself.

"Good night." After sending the last text message, Jingyi's mood also calmed down, and her arm didn't seem to hurt so much, so she slowly fell asleep...

When she woke up the next morning, she saw that the door of Lei Shaochen's room was tightly closed. She went out directly when he didn't exist. Although her hand was injured, there was still a lot of work to be done today. Fortunately, these tasks did not need to be used.

With the help of Zhao Yiting, the things in the small apartment were quickly wiped out. As soon as the moving company's car arrived, more than half of the moving project was completed. Zhao Yiting followed the moving company's car, Jingyi, Xiaoyan and Tongtong called a car and set off for their new home.

After simply placing the things, they turned to the computer city to buy four brand-new computers. When everything was cleaned up, the time had come to eight o'clock in the evening. After Zhao Yiting left, there were only two of them left in the new house, lying with fatigue. The two of them had no strength to move, thinking Fortunately, there is Zhao Yiting, otherwise the two of them will certainly be busy this day, especially when Jingyi's hand is injured...

At this moment, Tongtong lies obediently next to Jingyi. Looking from the door, their movements are really similar. They are worthy of being a loving family...

As soon as she lay down, Jingyi never remembered again and planned to sleep here tonight. Xiaoyan hugged her excitedly and kissed her on the cheek, which made Jingyi's goose bumps all over.

In Lei Shaochen's apartment.

Last night, Lei Shaochen asked Mr.G to know that the wedding dress had been airlifted to A city. As a result, a commissioner sent it home at noon today. After signing it, he wanted to try on the wedding dress for her. It turned out that she went out early this morning. He didn't want to call her. It seemed strange, so he waited at home. As a result, she didn't come back after 10 p.m., and he was so upset that he finally decided to call to ask what was going on. The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered...

The dud ringing of the phone seemed to hit his heart heavily, and there was an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart...

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Zhao Yiting and Lin Xiaonan appeared at the door of the apartment on time. Jingyi and Xiaoyan were busy after telling them some precautions. At this moment, they were sitting in the room discussing the theme of the new work.

"Xiaoyan, how is your new work going now?" Jingyi asked.

"I have a general idea, but I always feel that something is missing." Xiaoyan said with a little depression.

"Yes, I'm in the same situation. At present, I have designed several sets of relatively sweet dresses, and even matching accessories and bags have been driven out. Judging from these works alone, it feels good, but on the whole, it is not so eye-catching. I don't think the finished product will be enthusiastic on the Internet." Jingyi brought the current distress one by one.

"Oh, it's annoying!" Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing.

Seeing Xiaoyan's sad face, Jingyi suddenly remembered what she saw at the Wild Rose Club that night. She grabbed Xiaoyan's hand, stared at her eyes, and eagerly asked, "Xiaoyan, have you hidden anything from me recently? What happened when you called me that night and asked me to save you?

Xiaoyan was stunned. She didn't expect that she would ask about that night. Thinking of the scene that night, her little face couldn't help blushing slightly, pushed it, and said, "It's nothing. I just met my fiance and lost my temper with him. Later, the two had a little argument, and then it was fine. "

"Is it really okay?" Jingyi didn't want to puncture her and asked deliberately.

"It's okay. Don't worry. By the way, how about you and Lei Shaochen now? The wedding will be held in two weeks. Have you finished the dress? Xiaoyan asked with concern.

When Jingyi heard Xiaoyan mention this, she took a breath, paused, and then pretended to say easily, "Well, it's settled. By the way, is your bridesmaid dress ready?" Fearing that Xiaoyan would continue to delve, she hurriedly changed the topic.

"Hee, I've been ready for a long time. I'm going to grab your camera that day!" Xiaoyan said with a smile.

"Haha, you dare to grab my camera! Don't forget that you are behind me, and you will look good then." After saying that, she threatened Xiaoyan with a cunning face.

Two people who temporarily put aside their work troubles get together in the room. At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door and opened the door. It turned out to be Mo Ziqi. Seeing Jingyi, she hurriedly said, "Sister Jingyi, the phone in your room seems to be ringing all the time. Do you want to answer it?"

Jingyi was shocked and remembered that the mobile phone had been in her room since last night, but she relied on Xiaoyan. She couldn't help but be annoyed by her Ma Daha and said thank you to Mo Ziqi and went to the room to get the mobile phone. Looking at the screen, there were several missed calls, all of which were made by Lei Shaochen. Thinking that he had missed so many of his calls, I guess he was going to lose his temper again. Thinking of his angry and gloomy face, he was afraid for a moment. He immediately called him, held his breath and listened to the bell over there, and kept praying for him to answer it quickly.

After a few rings, the phone was answered. Jingyi said cautiously, "Is it Lei Shaochen? I'm Jingyi. Well, I left my mobile phone in my room at Xiaoyan last night. What can I do for you? He finished his words in one breath and waited for his reply tremblingly.

Hearing her explanation, his depression was a little less. He suppressed the remaining anger and said, "You go home right now. You have something to do." Lei Shaochen didn't bother to explain so much to her and simply and clearly said the point.

"Oh, I'll be there in half an hour." After saying this, she hung up the phone and thought that she really had nothing to say to him in detail. Hanging up the phone may be the wisest choice. Sometimes some things happen, no matter how they are forgotten, they will quietly stay in their hearts. If they don't want to pretend not to hurt, but as long as they remember, those broken hearts, Those tears that have flowed will flow quietly in the heart, dripping silently, but they can surge up thousands of tides.

As soon as Lei Shaochen wanted to say goodbye to her and ask her to be careful on the way, she heard a beep from there, and she couldn't help muttering to herself.